Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) - Sweden Wave 1
The Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) is a Social Science Research Infrastructure that provides micro- and macro-level data which significantly improve the knowledge base... -
Befolkningsförändringar 1891-1900
This data collection contains information about average population 1891-1900 and number of married couples, live births, illegitimate births, deaths, emigrants and immigrants... -
Svensk kontextdatabas för den svenska Generations and Gender Survey och den i...
The Swedish Contextual Database provides a large number of longitudinal and regional macro-level indicators primarily assembled to facilitate research on the effects of...