The Value of Verbal Feedback in Allocation Decisions [Online Appendix and Rep...
Depending on the context at hand, people’s preference for receiving feedback might differ. Especially in allocation decisions that directly concern another individual, feedback... -
MUMIN Annotation Schemes for ANVIL and ELAN (2020-11-04)
A multimodal annotation scheme for the tool ANVIL (Kipp 2004) and a multimodal annotation template for the tool ELAN (Sloetjes and Wittenburg, 2008) implementing the MUMIN... -
MUMIN Annotation Scheme for ANVIL
A multimodal annotation scheme for the tool ANVIL (Kipp 2004) implementing the MUMIN framework. The scheme corresponds to the annotations used in the Danish NOMCO corpus. The... -
PISM-VILMA glacial cycle simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet coupled to th...
The dynamics of the ice sheets on glacial time scales are highly controlled by interactions with the solid Earth, i.e., the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). Particularly at... -
FEDI Dataset
FEDI is the first task-oriented document-grounded dialogue dataset for learning from demographic information, user emotions and implicit user feedback. In its current version,... -
Healthcare professionals' views on feedback of a patient safety culture asses...
In 2012 hebben 24 Nederlandse ziekenhuizen deelgenomen aan een meting van de patiëntveiligheidscultuur in ziekenhuizen met behulp van de COMPaZ vragenlijst. Participerende... -
Lianne Loosveld - PhD project data for study 3
Title:Combining Support and Assessment in Health Professions Education: Mentors’ and Mentees’ Experiences in a Programmatic Assessment Context. Summary: Mentors in... -
Stakeholder Discourse on DMA and DSA
The data set contains feedback from tech companies as well as other stakeholders that has been published during the legislative process of the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) and... -
The Value of Verbal Feedback in Allocation Decisions [Online Appendix and Rep...
Depending on the context at hand, people’s preference for receiving feedback might differ. Especially in allocation decisions that directly concern another individual, feedback... -
Acute Social Stress Changes Response Speed and the Balance Between Reward and...
Adjusting behavior after reward or punishment is important to adaptively respond to change. Previous studies have shown that stress can change feedback responsiveness, which is...