The Level of Living Survey in Slovenia, 1984
Prvi tematski sklop je opis družinske situacije v respondentovem otroštvu (do 15. leta), vključno z izobrazbo očeta in matere. Sledijo podatki o selitvah. Opisana je trenutna... -
Migrations of Slovene workers in the Federal Republic Germany
Projekt sociološkega proučevanja migracij Slovencev v Nemčiji je obsegal raziskavo Zdomcev leta 1974, njim ustrezajočih Parov državljanov Slovenije, ki se niso preselili v... -
Youth '97
Projekt Prosti čas mladih v Ljubljani je del večletnega kontinuiranega programa teoretskega in empiričnega raziskovanja mladine (glej tudi: MLA85, MLA93, MLA95, MLA98 in MLA00).... -
The Integration of the European Second Generation in Frankfurt and Berlin (TI...
TIES Germany is part of an international survey, conducted in 8 countries (Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, France, Spain and Austria). It is about children... -
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4E...
The study is a panel survey of adolescents designed to study the complex causal mechanism of structural, social, and cultural integration of adolescents with migration... -
Growing Up in Germany: Everyday Life´s World (AID:A)
Beschreibung der Haushaltskonstellation (Haushaltsmatrix genannt). Familienstand und Angaben zur Partnerschaft. Sprache im Haushalt. Bildung, Beruf, Erwerbstätigkeit, Mobilität.... -
The Integration of the European Second Generation in Frankfurt and Berlin (TI...
TIES Germany is part of an international survey, conducted in 8 countries (Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, France, Spain and Austria). It is about children... -
Representative survey of selected groups of migrants in Germany 2006/2007
Erfassung von integrationsrelevanten Merkmalen wie Sprache, Schulbildung, berufliche Situation, Wohn-, Haushalts- und familiäre Situation, soziale Kontakte sowohl innerhalb der... -
Effects of Public Social Services on the Socialization Process
Development and child-raising in pre-school age. General questions on family socialization as well as the economic and social situation of the respondent. Topics: 1. On family... -
DJI Youth Survey 1992, 1997 and 2003 (Cumulated Data Set)
Lebensverhältnisse, Wertorientierungen, politische Orientierungen und politische Verhaltensbereitschaft von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen. Kumulierter Datensatz aus den...