410 datasets found

Keywords: extinction

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  • OGLE Mira variable stars with WISE & Spitzer data

    We study the three-dimensional structure of the Milky Way using 65,981 Mira variable stars discovered by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment survey. The spatial...
  • Dust extinction law in nearby galaxies. II. M33

    The dust extinction curves toward individual sight lines in M33 are derived for the first time with a sample of reddened O-type and B-type supergiants obtained from the Local...
  • Dust extinction law in nearby galaxies. I. M31

    The dust extinction laws and dust properties in M31 are explored with a sample of reddened O-type and B-type supergiants obtained from the Local Group Galaxies Survey (LGGS)....
  • The Spitzer Kepler Survey (SpiKeS) catalog

    The ~200000 targets monitored for photometric variability during the Kepler prime mission include the best-studied group of stars in the sky, due both to the extensive time...
  • E(V-I) reddening map of MCs from OGLE-IV RC stars

    We present the most extensive and detailed reddening maps of the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) derived from the color properties of Red Clump (RC) stars. The analysis is based on the...
  • Stellar bow shock nebulae spectroscopic obs.

    Arcuate mid-infrared nebulae known as stellar bow shock nebulae (SBNe) have been previously hypothesized to be supported by the strong stellar winds and/or luminosity of massive...
  • AstroSat/UVIT and Chandra X-ray sources in M31

    An ultraviolet (UV) survey of M31 has been carried out during 2017-19 with the Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) instrument on board the AstroSat Observatory. Here we match...
  • Opt. photometry of SMUDGes ultra-diffuse galaxies

    We present the first systematic study of the stellar populations of ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) in the field, integrating the large area search and characterization of UDGs by...
  • A catalog of galaxies in direction of Perseus

    We present a catalog of 5437 morphologically classified sources in the direction of the Perseus galaxy cluster core, among them 496 early-type low-mass galaxy candidates. The...
  • The Asteroseismic Target List (ATL) for TESS

    We present the target list of solar-type stars to be observed in short-cadence (2 minute) for asteroseismology by the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) during...
  • Observations of O and B stars

    This catalog of O and B stars contains magnitudes, colors, spectral types and polarization for 1259 stars. In addition to observations, the catalogue contains the derived...
  • UV emission of stars in LAMOST. I. Catalogs

    We present the ultraviolet magnitudes for over three million stars in the LAMOST survey, in which 2,202,116 stars are detected by GALEX. For 889,235 undetected stars, we develop...
  • Candidate stellar bowshock nebulae from MIR

    We identify 709 arc-shaped mid-infrared nebula in 24um Spitzer Space Telescope or 22um Wide Field Infrared Explorer surveys of the Galactic Plane as probable dusty interstellar...
  • MACT survey. I. Opt. spectroscopy in Subaru Deep Field

    Deep rest-frame optical spectroscopy is critical for characterizing and understanding the physical conditions and properties of the ionized gas in galaxies. Here, we present a...
  • An atlas of UV-to-MIR galaxy SEDs

    We present an atlas of 129 spectral energy distributions for nearby galaxies, with wavelength coverage spanning from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. Our atlas spans a broad...
  • Candidate X-ray emitting OB stars in Carina

    We report the results of a new survey of massive, OB stars throughout the Carina Nebula using the X-ray point source catalog provided by the Chandra Carina Complex Project...
  • First-year SDSS-II SN results

    We present measurements of the Hubble diagram for 103 Type Ia supernovae (SNe) with redshifts 0.04<z<0.42, discovered during the first season (Fall 2005) of the Sloan...
  • H{alpha} and [NII] survey in local 11 Mpc

    As part of a broader effort to characterize the population of star-forming galaxies in the local universe, we have carried out an H{alpha}+[NII] imaging survey for an...
  • Taurus dark cloud background star catalog

    Normal field stars located behind dense clouds are a valuable resource in interstellar astrophysics, as they provide continua in which to study phenomena such as gas-phase and...
  • Stellar population in Chamaeleon I

    I present a new census of the stellar population in the ChamaeleonI star-forming region. Using optical and near-IR photometry and follow-up spectroscopy, I have discovered 50...
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