Atlas and Catalog of Dark Clouds
Here we release the first version of the atlas and catalog of dark clouds derived by using the optical database Digitized Sky Survey I (DSS). Applying a traditional star-count... -
Interstellar matter in the Galactic Disk
This catalogue, developed for a new study of the interstellar medium in the solar vicinity, contains estimations of extinction and distances from reliable UBV data and MK types;... -
GDR2AP. Gaia DR2, 2MASS, AllWISE astrophys. param.
Stellar physical and dynamical properties are essential knowledge to understanding the structure, formation, and evolution of our Galaxy. We produced an all-sky uniformly... -
3D reddening map for stars from 2MASS phot.
A three-dimensional reddening map for stars within 1100pc of the Sun are presented. Analysis of the distribution of 70 million stars from the 2MASS catalog with the most... -
Properties of 101 galaxies from the NFGS
We use 101 galaxies selected from the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey to investigate the effect of aperture size on the star formation rate, metallicity, and reddening determinations... -
Atlas and catalog of dark clouds based on 2MASS
This paper presents an atlas and catalog of dark clouds derived based on the 2 Micron All Sky Survey Point Source Catalog (2MASS PSC). Color excess maps of E(J-H) and E(H-K_S_)... -
Pseudo-3D maps of DIB at 862nm
The diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are absorption lines observed in visual and near-infrared spectra of stars. Understanding their origin in the interstellar medium is one of... -
YSOs in GRSMC 045.49+00.04 from IR obs.
Understanding the characteristics of young stellar populations is essential for deriving insights into star formation processes within parent molecular clouds and the influence... -
Infrared extinction spectra of aerosols
Mid-infrared extinction spectra (500-6000cm^-1^) of a series of single-component aerosol particle ensembles representative of those found in a range of planetary and lunar... -
RR Lyrae study with ZTF DR3 light curves
We present an RR Lyrae (RRL) catalogue based on the combination of the third data release of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF DR3) and Gaia EDR3. We use a multistep... -
Galaxy Zoo DR1&2, DR5 and DeepL version
We present Galaxy Zoo DECaLS: detailed visual morphological classifications for Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey images of galaxies within the SDSS DR8 footprint. Deeper DECaLS... -
OB stars in Carina Arm
In large-scale maps of the Galactic disc, the Carina Arm stands out as a clear spiral feature, hosting prominent star clusters and associations rich in massive stars. We study... -
Stars groups in CMa OB 1 with Gaia DR2
Canis Major OB1 (CMa OB1) is a Galactic stellar association with a very intriguing star-formation scenario. There are more than two dozen known star clusters in its line of... -
Mon OB4 a new association in Gaia DR2
We use Gaia DR2 data to survey the classic Monoceros OB1 region and look for the existence of a dispersed young population, co-moving with the cloud complex. An analysis of the... -
Short-period binaries in the inner VVV bulge
Most of our knowledge of the structure of the Milky Way has come from the study of variable stars. Among these variables, mimicking the periodic variation of pulsating stars,... -
Galactic extinction at low Galactic latitudes
We use near-infrared (J-K) colours of bright 2MASS galaxies, measured within a 7-arcsec-radius aperture, to calibrate the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis DIRBE/IRAS Galactic... -
New classical Ae stars using LAMOST DR5
We report the first systematic study to identify and characterize a sample of classical Ae stars in the Galaxy. The spectra of these stars were retrieved from the A-star... -
Optical spectroscopy of classical Be stars
In this study, we analyse the emission lines of different species present in 118 Galactic field classical Be stars in the wavelength range of 3800-9000{AA}. We re-estimated the... -
Resolved molecular gas in nearby galaxies
A relationship between dust-reprocessed light from recent star formation and the amount of star-forming gas in a galaxy produces a correlation between Wide-field Infrared Survey... -
Distances to molecular clouds in fourth quadrant
Distance measurements to molecular clouds are essential and important. We present directly measured distances to 169 molecular clouds in the fourth quadrant of the Milky Way....