TOI-5005 b phot. and radial velocities
The Neptunian desert and savanna have been recently found to be separated by a ridge, an overdensity of planets in the ~3-5 days period range. These features are thought to be... -
TOI-4562 light curve
Young planetary systems represent an opportunity to investigate the early stages of (exo)planetary formation because the gravitational interactions have not yet significantly... -
Obliquities of exoplanet host stars
Measurements of the obliquities in exoplanet systems have revealed some remarkable architectures, some of which are very different from the Solar System. Nearly 200 obliquity... -
K2-24 planetary system revisited by CHEOPS
K2-24 is a planetary system composed of two transiting low-density Neptunians locked in an almost perfect 2:1 resonance and showing large TTVs, i.e., an excellent laboratory to... -
YOUNGSTER EA/EB young stars catalog
Young exoplanets and their corresponding host stars are fascinating laboratories for constraining the time-scale of planetary evolution and planet-star interactions. However,... -
Discovery of 4 warm giants
We report the discovery and characterization of three new transiting giant planets orbiting TOI-6628, TOI-3837 and TOI-5027, and one new warm sub-Saturn orbiting TOI-2328, whose... -
WASP-43b tidal evolution
Recent developments in exoplanetary research highlight the importance of Love numbers in understanding their internal dynamics, formation, migration history and their potential... -
Relative RVs for KELT-24 taken from MINERVA
We present a new analysis of the KELT-24 system, comprising a well-aligned hot Jupiter, KELT-24 b, and a bright (V=8.3), nearby (d=96.9pc) F-type host star. KELT-24 b was... -
NEID radial velocities of TOI-5126 and TOI-5398
Despite decades of effort, the mechanisms by which the spin axis of a star and the orbital axes of its planets become misaligned remain elusive. In particular, it is of great... -
Planetary eccentricity-period (PEP) distributions
We used the database of 1040 short-period (1<=P<200days) exoplanets radial-velocity orbits to study the planetary eccentricity-period (PEP) distribution. We first divided... -
WASP-69b JWST NIRCam & MIRI eclipse depth sp.
WASP-69 b is a hot, inflated, Saturn-mass planet (0.26M_Jup_) with a zero-albedo equilibrium temperature of 963K. Here, we report the JWST 2-12{mu}m emission spectrum of the... -
Velocity curves of 7 transiting systems
While several thousand exoplanets are now confirmed, the number of known transiting warm Jupiters (10d < period < 200d) remains relatively small. These planets are... -
TOI-5108 and TOI 5786 radial velocities
We report the discovery and characterization of two sub-Saturns from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) using high-resolution spectroscopic observations from the... -
Herschel DEBRIS survey of M-dwarfs
The Herschel open-time key program Disc Emission via a Bias-free Reconnaissance in the Infrared and Sub-millimeter (DEBRIS) is an unbiased survey of the nearest 100 stars for... -
Unistellar Exoplanet Campaign
This paper presents early results from and prospects for exoplanet science using a citizen science private/public partnership observer network managed by the SETI Institute in... -
Stellar obliquities in exoplanetary systems
The rotation of a star and the revolutions of its planets are not necessarily aligned. This article reviews the measurement techniques, key findings, and theoretical... -
LHS 3154 RV and activity indicators
Theories of planet formation predict that low-mass stars should rarely host exoplanets with masses exceeding that of Neptune. We used radial velocity observations to detect a... -
RV and LC of 8 M dwarf stars with planets
Exoplanets smaller than Neptune are common around red dwarf stars (M dwarfs), with those that transit their host star constituting the bulk of known temperate worlds amenable... -
GJ 3512 radial velocity and light curves
Surveys have shown that super-Earth and Neptune-mass exoplanets are more frequent than gas giants around low-mass stars, as predicted by the core accretion theory of planet... -
Masses and RV of exoplanets
Being one of the most fundamental physical parameter of astronomical objects, mass plays a vital role in the study of exoplanets, including their temperature structure, chemical...