2023 myThaw data set
The 2023 myThaw data set provides standardized measurements for permafrost thaw and the linked parameters snow depth, vegetation height and water level as suggested by Boike et... -
Radiocarbon dating and charcoal identification record from NEP 1, NEP 2, NEP ...
The charcoal fragments found during the excavation of NEP soil profiles downstream of the course of the Eger River (on the northern outskirts of Nördlingen) were... -
Tie points for IODP Hole 344-U1381C
The age model for the upper 49 m of Hole U1381C is based on radiocarbon dates, graphical tuning of the benthic δ18O record and biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic events. The age... -
Age model of sediment core YC22_MR_7 off Herschel island (Yukon Coast 2022)
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_7 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Uvigerina-based Mg/Ca ratios from different GH Expeditions in the Japan Sea
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Neodymium isotopes of fish debris from IODP Site 306-U1313
Fish debris Nd isotope data from IODP Site U1313 for Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) M2 and MIS 100. -
Sea ice rafted quartz grains of IODP Site 341-U1421
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Age determination of IODP Site 341-U1421
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Age model of sediment core JC11-K5, Lake Czechowskie, N Poland
JC11-K5 was dated by correlating ten macroscopically visible layers with counted annual layer sequences of adjacent cores and tephra shards related to the Askja eruption in 1875... -
(Table 1) Neodymium isotopic composition of fish tooth and sediment samples
Replicate analyses of the Nd standard JNdi yielded 143Nd/144Nd ratios from 0.511937 ± 0.000015 to 0.512251 ± 0.000015 (2s, n=316). -
Nd-isotope of fish debris and Fe-Mn-leached sediments of IODP Site 306-U1313
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Nd-isotope of last glacial to Holocene sediments of IODP Site 306-U1313
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Radiogenic isotopes of IODP Site 306-U1313 sediments
DEPTH, sediment/rock [m] is given in mcd. -
Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages of IODP Hole 303-U1313
DEPTH, sediment [m] is given in mbsf. -
Record of 7 acritarch taxa, Mg/Ca sea-surface temperatures and palynological ...
DEPTH, sediment [m] is given in mbsf. AGE [ka BP] gives the calibrated ages. <1 = present outside the regular counts, # = suspected reworking. -
(Table S3) Mean sea surface temperture values of the Eocene-Oligocene Transit...
Estimated values at ~33-34 Ma (EOT) and at ~34-37 Ma (pre-EOT). With consideration of chronology uncertainty, we allowed time intervals over which mean SST values were... -
(Table 2) Sr isotope ratios of planktonic foraminifera from DSDP Hole 29-277
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Radiocarbon ages from IODP Site 323-U1340
The Bølling-Allerød deglacial event is marked by high diatom productivity and opal deposition throughout the subarctic Pacific. To investigate the cause of this event, we... -
Lake Baikal sediment core AMS radiocarbon data
This is a complete database of AMS radiocarbon data from Lake Baikal sediment cores. Most radiocarbon data has already been published but is not easily accessible on a database.... -
Lipid biomarkers, siliceous microfossil assemblages, biogenic silica and carb...
We analysed IODP Expedition 341 Site U1417 to understand the palaeoceanography in the Gulf of Alaska across the Pliocene and early Pleistocene (4-1.7 Ma). The data submitted...