Psihološki profil pandemije COVID-19 v Srbiji, 2020
Hiter odziv prebivalstva in upoštevanje preventivnih ukrepov sta dva od najučinkovitejših načinov omejevanja širjenja okužb v zgodnjih fazah epidemije. Raziskava govori o tem,... -
Attitudes towards SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination, 2020
Decembra 2020 je bilo cepivo proti SARS-CoV-2 prvič odobreno v zahodnem svetu. Vendar je učinkovitost nacionalnih načrtov cepljenja odvisna od pripravljenosti prebivalstva, da... -
Attitudes towards SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, 2020
Decembra 2020 je bilo cepivo proti SARS-CoV-2 prvič odobreno v zahodnem svetu, vendar je učinkovitost nacionalnih načrtov cepljenja odvisna od pripravljenosti prebivalstva, da... -
Slovenian public opinion 2020/3
Slovensko javno mnenje 2020/3 vključuje več sklopov: (1) Ogledalo javnega mnenja, (2) modul vprašanj o okolju mednarodne raziskave ISSP 2020 - Enviroment; (3) modul o medijih in... -
Monitoring the covid-19 epidemic: Sledilnik and slovenian data infrastructure...
Raziskava preučuje potek in razloge za vzpostavljanje prostovoljnega projekta COVID-19 Sledilnik, ki je nastal v času izbruha epidemije koronavirusa SARS-Cov-2 v Sloveniji in je... -
COVID-19 in turizem, 2020
Raziskava ponuja dojemanje dogajanja Slovencev v zgodovinsko posebnem trenutku – takoj ob začetku epidemije COVID-19. Spletna anketa je bila izvedena za časa prvega zaprtja... -
Anketa o opravljanju osebne asistence v času covid-19, 2020
Cilj raziskave je bil zbrati podatke o razmerah pri delu osebnih asistentov med epidemijo COVID-19. Delovni proces osebnih asistentov je namreč individualiziran, saj poteka na... -
Pouk slovenščine in matematike ter socialno-čustveno odzivanje učenk in učenc...
Raziskava se osredotoča na potek pouka matematike in slovenščine ter socialno-čustveno odzivanje učencev v času drugega prehoda vseh slovenskih osnovnih šol na izobraževanje na... -
TweetsCOV19 - A Semantically Annotated Corpus of Tweets About the COVID-19 Pa...
TweetsCOV19 is a semantically annotated corpus of Tweets about the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a subset of TweetsKB and aims at capturing online discourse about various aspects of... -
The SOECBIAS-COVREF data set is an output of two research projects: The interdisciplinary research project SOECBIAS, funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs... -
Pandemic Recovery Survey
The Pandemic Recovery Survey aims to study the impacts of COVID-19 across the world and to assist public health officials in focusing their efforts to recover from the pandemic... -
SDCCP 2 - Survey Design of Longitudinal Surveys Before and During the Covid-1...
The data set "SDCCP 2 - Survey Design Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic" was generated by the project entitled "Survey Data Collection and the Covid-19 Pandemic" (SDCCP).... -
Deutsch: Der vorliegende Datensatz umfasst drei Wellen eines offenen Onlinepanels zu Alltagserfahrungen während der COVID-19 Pandemie (März bis August 2020) in... -
Young Germany during COVID-19
Young Germany during COVID-19 is a youth study, which focuses on young people aged 16 to 26 years living in Germany. The study has been conducted in September 2020 and is part... -
Civil Society Responses to COVID-19 in Latin America Dataset
This dataset comprises initiatives from civil society organizations to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in 18 countries in Latin America. This dataset complements the "LATINNO... -
Collective Intelligence Initiatives against COVID-19 in Latin America Dataset
This dataset comprises a selection of democratic innovations from the "LATINNO Dataset on Democratic Innovations in Latin America" which rely on collective intelligence to... -
Deutsch: Der vorliegende Datensatz umfasst vier Wellen eines offenen Onlinepanels zu Alltagserfahrungen während der COVID-19 Pandemie (März bis August 2020) in Deutschland.... -
5. World Vision Kinderstudie, Kinder in Deutschland und Ghana
English version below: Die vorliegende 5. World Vision Kinderstudie fokussiert auf den Umgang von Kindern mit religiöser Diversität als eine aktuelle gesellschaftliche... -
SDCCP 1 - Survey Design and Quality During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The data set "SDCCP 1 - Survey Design and Quality During the Covid-19 Pandemic" was generated by the project entitled "Survey Data Collection and the Covid-19 Pandemic" (SDCCP).... -
Replication data for: Between Urgency and Data Quality: Assessing the FAIRnes...
Balancing speed and quality during crises pose challenges for ensuring the value and utility of data in social science research. The COVID-19 pandemic in particular underscores...