Rapid optical variability in ultracool dwarfs
In this paper, a summary of optical time-series photometry of 125 ultracool dwarfs is given. The observing strategy was to monitor each object continuously for 2-3h in order to... -
CaII equivalent widths of dM1 stars
We present 187 high-resolution spectra for 62 different M1 dwarfs from observations obtained with the FIbre-fed Echelle Spectrograph (FIES) on the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT)... -
Detached M dwarf eclipsing binaries in WTS
We report the discovery of 16 detached M dwarf eclipsing binaries (MEBs) with J<16mag and provide a detailed characterization of three of them, using high-precision infrared... -
Abundances of 93 solar-type Kepler targets
We present a detailed spectroscopic study of 93 solar-type stars that are targets of the NASA/Kepler mission and provide detailed chemical composition of each target. We find... -
Ultracompact dwarf galaxies in Perseus
We present the results of the first search for ultracompact dwarfs (UCDs) in the Perseus cluster core, including the region of the cluster around the unusual brightest cluster... -
CaII and H{alpha} data for dK5/dM4 stars
We use 665 high-resolution spectra for 60 different dM4 stars and 1088 high-resolution spectra for 97 different dK5 stars from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and... -
Fast-rotating M-dwarf stars in NGC 2547
At fast rotation rates, the coronal activity of G- and K-type stars has been observed to "saturate" and then decline again at even faster rotation rates - a phenomenon dubbed... -
Polarisation of a sample of late M dwarfs
We present here the final results of the first spectropolarimetric survey of a small sample of active M dwarfs, aimed at providing observational constraints on dynamo action on... -
Southern ultracool dwarfs in young moving groups
We associate 132 low-mass ultracool dwarfs in the southern hemisphere as candidate members of five moving groups (MGs) using photometric and astrometric selection techniques. Of... -
UKIDSS-2MASS proper motion survey
The UK Infrared Telescope Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) is the first of a new generation of infrared surveys. Here, we combine the data from two UKIDSS components, the Large... -
Proper motions of field L and T dwarfs
By using images taken with Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) and Son of ISAAC (SofI) on the New Technology Telescope (NTT) and combining... -
Fundamental parameters of M dwarfs
We empirically determine effective temperatures and bolometric luminosities for a large sample of nearby M dwarfs, for which high accuracy optical and infrared photometry is... -
Proper motions of field L and T dwarfs
The proper motion measurements for 142 previously known L and T dwarfs are presented. From this sample we identify and discuss eight high-velocity L dwarfs. We also find four... -
Spectral atlas of omega Cen post-MS stars
We present a spectral atlas of the post-main-sequence population of the most massive Galactic globular cluster, omega Centauri. Spectra were obtained of more than 1500 stars... -
Optical spectroscopy of high proper motion stars
We present spectra of 59 nearby star candidates, M dwarfs and white dwarfs, previously identified using high proper motion catalogues and the DENIS database. We review the... -
Lower main-sequence stars fundamental param.
We derive an empirical effective temperature and bolometric luminosity calibration for G and K dwarfs, by applying our own implementation of the Infrared Flux Method to... -
sigma Ori low-mass stars
Intermediate-resolution (R~7000) spectroscopy is presented for 76 photometrically selected very low-mass (0.04<M<0.3M_{sun}_) candidate members of the young cluster around... -
RV of Sigma Ori low-mass candidate members
We present radial velocities for 38 low-mass candidate members of the {sigma} Orionis young group. We have measured their radial velocities by cross-correlation of... -
[X/Fe] of Galactic disc F and G dwarfs
Photospheric abundances are presented for 27 elements from carbon to europium in 181 F and G dwarfs from a differential local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) analysis of... -
G and K dwarfs UBV(RI)c and ubvy photometry
K dwarfs have lifetimes older than the present age of the Galactic disc, and are thus ideal stars for investigating the chemical evolution of the disc. We have developed several...