RI photometry of 2MASS late M and L dwarfs
We report R and I band observations for 201 late M and L dwarfs selected on the basis of Two Micron All Sky Survey (Cat. II/246) JHKs and photographic red colors, made with a... -
Averaged [Fe/H] for Cool Dwarfs
This file contains mean values of [Fe/H] (with rms errors) for 495 F-K stars which are on or near the main sequence. Literature references are given for the contributing values... -
Near-IR spectroscopy of low-mass binaries and brown dwarfs
The mass of a star at formation determines its subsequent evolution and demise. Low-mass stars are the most common products of star formation and their long main-sequence... -
Teff and metallicities for Tycho-2 stars
We have created specialized target lists for radial velocity surveys that are biased toward stars that (1) possess planets and (2) are easiest to observe with current detection... -
Catalog of DMS-type eclipsing binaries
The catalogue contains information about 113 detached main-sequence (DMS) type detached binaries with known photometric and geometric elements. Cone search capability for table... -
Short- and long-term pm of close dwarfs
Motions of 1308 stars with large proper motions ({mu}>300mas/yr) up to 17 mag were investigated using the results of observations conducted with Pulkovo Normal Astrograph and... -
Properties of 160 F-K disk dwarfs/subgiants
The properties of 160 F, G, and K disk dwarfs/subgiants (including 27 planet-host stars) mostly within -0.6<~[Fe/H]<~+0.4, the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory spectrum... -
RV and LC of 8 M dwarf stars with planets
Exoplanets smaller than Neptune are common around red dwarf stars (M dwarfs), with those that transit their host star constituting the bulk of known temperate worlds amenable... -
Candidate halo dark matter
The Milky Way galaxy contains a large, spherical component which is believed to harbor a substantial amount of unseen matter. Recent observations indirectly suggest that as much... -
On the evolution of angular momentum
Selecting the best quality data, I find that nearly all 0.5 to 1.2M_{sun} main sequence stars converge to a single rotational mass dependent sequence after 750Myr; when the mass... -
Kepler main sequence star super-flare
We wrote and used an automated flare detection Python script to search for super-flares on main sequence stars of types A, F, G, K and M in Kepler's long-cadence data from Q0 to... -
M Dwarf catalog of LAMOST DR1
We present a spectroscopic catalog of 93 619 M dwarfs from the first data release of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) general survey.... -
M-giant star candidates in LAMOST DR 1
We perform a discrimination procedure with the spectral index diagram of TiO_5_ and CaH_2_+CaH_3_ to separate M giants from M dwarfs. Using the M giant spectra identified from... -
KOI planets and KIC stars from Kepler DR25
In order to gain a better understanding of planet formation and evolution, it is important to examine the statistics of exoplanets in the Galactic context. By combining... -
L and T dwarf stars
The establishment of new spectral classes cooler than type M has had a brief, yet already rich, history. Prototypes of the new "L dwarf" and "T dwarf" classes were first found... -
Nearby main-sequence stars abundances
To date, we have access to enormous inventories of stellar spectra that allow the extraction of atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances essential in stellar studies.... -
Abundances of FGK primary stars
Detailed chemical composition of stars is of prime interest for a range of topics in modern stellar astrophysics, such as the chemical evolution of the Galaxy or the formation,... -
Silicate clouds in ultracool dwarfs
We present a uniform analysis of all mid-infrared R~90 spectra of field M5-T9 dwarfs obtained with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS). The sample contains 113 spectra out... -
Local main-sequence stars with phot. metallicities
We present a catalogue of 551214 main-sequence stars in the local (d<2kpc) Galactic thick disk and halo, based on a search of stars with large proper motions (>40.0mas/yr)... -
The extended MILES library
Extragalactic astronomy and stellar astrophysics are intrinsically related. In fact, the determination of important galaxy properties such as stellar masses, star formation...