Ilmastobarometri 2019
Ilmastobarometrin tavoitteena oli selvittää suomalaisten mielipiteitä ilmastonmuutokseen sekä ilmastopolitiikkaan liittyen. Tutkimuksen rahoitti ympäristöministeriön... -
Muistoja autoista ja autoilusta 2022
Aineisto koostuu vapaamuotoisista kirjoitusvastauksista, joissa käsitellään autoihin ja autoiluun liittyviä muistoja. Automuistot ulottuvat 1930-luvulta nykypäivään.... -
Nuorisobarometri 2016
Nuorisobarometrin 2016 pääteema oli tulevaisuus. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin myös nuorten arvoja, asenteita ja käsityksiä globalisaatiosta, ympäristöstä, hyvinvointivaltiosta ja... -
Helsingin seudun Nuorisobarometri 2016
Helsingin seudun nuorille suunnatun Nuorisobarometrin 2016 pääteema oli tulevaisuus. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin nuorten arvoja ja asenteita globalisaatiosta, ympäristöstä,... -
Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1981
This is the first study in a series of annual surveys on road safety. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board, which had the overall... -
Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1999
This is the third study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Swedish National Road... -
Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 2002
This is the 22th study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Swedish National Road... -
Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1981
This is the first study in a series of annual surveys on road safety. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board, which had the overall... -
Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1999
This is the third study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Swedish National Road... -
Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 2002
This is the 22th study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Swedish National Road... -
Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1999
This is the third study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Swedish National Road... -
Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 2002
This is the 22th study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Swedish National Road... -
Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1981
This is the first study in a series of annual surveys on road safety. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board, which had the overall...