Carbonate system parameters (pHtot, Total Alkalinity, Dissolved Inorganic Car...
Discrete water sample data of carbonate system parameters (pHtot, Total Alkalinity, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon), salinity, and nutrients, and in situ sensor-based measurements... -
Benthic Chamber Lander stable isotope tracer experiments in the Cabo Verde Ab...
A total of five deployments of a Benthic Chamber Lander were conducted at the Cabo Verde Abyssal Plain (tropical East Atlantic) at about 4200 m water depth. The deployments took... -
Porewater nutrients of the Northeast Greenland (NEG) shelf sediments from POL...
Sediment porewater chemistry (nutrient, DIC, sulfide and sulfate) on the Northeast Greenland shelf were assessed with R/V Polarstern during PS109 between September and October... -
Sedimentary pigments on the Northeast Greenland (NEG) Shelf from Polarstern c...
Samples for benthic pigments (Chlorophyll a (Chl a) and phaeopigments) on the Northeast Greenland shelf have been collected with R/V Polarstern during PS109 between September... -
Water chemistry of the Rappbode water reservoir
We present concentrations and carbon stable isotope data of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and of various phases of OM including DOC, autochthonous particulate organic carbon... -
Concentrations of allochthonous particulate organic carbon (allo-POC) from th...
We present wintertime concentrations of allochthonous particulate organic carbon (allo-POC) in a temperate drinking water reservoir (Rappbode Reservoir, Germany; 51°44'19"N,... -
Total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon measurements at the RMS Titan...
To gain information on the chemical parameters of deep water in the western North Atlantic, water samples were taken using a Niskin bottle deployed at five stations at the RMS...