Replication data for "rSIREM: an R package for MALDI spectral deconvolution"
Replication data for the publication: "rSIREM: an R package for MALDI spectral deconvolution" by Del Castillo Pérez et al. The deposited data are SALDI-MSI data of three... -
Structural insight into conifer forest topsoil and blackwater dissolved organ...
Ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform tandem mass spectrometry was employed to reveal novel structural detail of the natural complex mixture dissolved organic matter (DOM) that... -
Structural insight into conifer forest topsoil dissolved organic matter (Wetz...
Ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform tandem mass spectrometry was employed to reveal novel structural detail of the natural complex mixture dissolved organic matter (DOM) that... -
Quantification of chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll–b and pheopigments-a in lake sed...
Assessments of aquatic paleoproduction and pigment preservation require accurate identification and quantification of sedimentary chlorophylls. Using chromatographic techniques... -
Fluorescence microscopy videos of mitochondria and endosomes in H9c2 cardiomy...
This dataset contains a series of three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy videos of the rat cardiomyoblast cell-line H9c2. The outer mitochondrial membrane is labeled with... -
Neutron transmission strain tomography: a novel approach to strain mapping
Strain tomography is a novel approach to the analysis of residual strain fields that involves deconvolution of unknown distributions of residual elastic strains from redundant... -
Nonparametric tests of tail behavior in stochastic frontier models (replicati...
This article studies tail behavior for the error components in the stochastic frontier model, where one component has bounded support on one side, and the other has unbounded...