Raw data to "MAS NMR experiments of corynebacterial cell walls: complementary...
Bacterial cell walls are gigadalton-large cross-linked polymers with a wide range of motional amplitudes, including rather rigid as well as highly flexible parts. Magic-angle... -
Shared behavioural impairments in visual perception and place avoidance acros...
Relevant information about the data can be found in the 'Readme_Data.txt' file. A previous version of the publication can be found on BioRxiv:... -
A thalamic hub-and-spoke network enables visual perception during action by c...
Electrophysiological, calcium two-photon recordings and behavioral data for Vega-Zuniga et al. Relevant information can be found in the 'README.txt' files. -
Bilateral interactions of optic-flow sensitive neurons coordinate course cont...
Behavioural data for Pokusaeva, Satapathy et al. Relevant information can be found in the 'README.txt' file. -
Presynaptic cAMP-PKA-mediated potentiation induces reconfiguration of synapti...
It is widely believed that information storage in neuronal circuits involves nanoscopic structural changes at synapses, resulting in the formation of synaptic engrams. However,... -
Nonlinear decoding of a complex movie from the mammalian retina
This package contains data for the publication "Nonlinear decoding of a complex movie from the mammalian retina" by Deny S. et al, PLOS Comput Biol (2018). The data consists of... -
Research data for the publication "Dense 4D nanoscale reconstruction of livin...
3D-reconstruction of living brain tissue down to individual synapse level would create opportunities for decoding the dynamics and structure-function relationships of the... -
Effects of fine-scale population structure on the distribution of heterozygos...
Here are the research data underlying the publication "Effects of fine-scale population structure on the distribution of heterozygosity in a long-term study of Antirrhinum... -
Sequences of gene regulatory network permutations for the article "Local gene...
Gene expression levels are influenced by multiple coexisting molecular mechanisms. Some of these interactions, such as those of transcription factors and promoters have been... -
Input files and scripts from "Evolution of gene dosage on the Z-chromosome of...
Input files and scripts from "Evolution of gene dosage on the Z-chromosome of schistosome parasites" by Picard M.A.L., et al (2018). -
Analysis scripts and research data for the paper "Minimal biophysical model o...
Phenomenological relations such as Ohm’s or Fourier’s law have a venerable history in physics but are still scarce in biology. This situation restrains predictive theory. Here,... -
Optogenetic alteration of hippocampal network activity
Supplementary data provided for the provided for the publication: Igor Gridchyn , Philipp Schoenenberger , Joseph O'Neill , Jozsef Csicsvari (2020) Optogenetic... -
Data from Elkrewi, Khauratovich, Toups et al. 2022, "ZW sex-chromosome evolut...
Eurasian brine shrimp (genus Artemia) have closely related sexual and asexual lineages of parthenogenetic females, which produce rare males at low frequencies. Although they are... -
STL-files for 3D-printed grid holders described in Fäßler F, Zens B, et al.;...
Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) of cellular specimens provides insights into biological processes and structures within a native context. However, a major challenge still... -
Research data of the publication "ArpC5 isoforms regulate Arp2/3 complex-depe...
Regulation of the Arp2/3 complex is required for productive nucleation of branched actin networks. An emerging aspect of regulation is the incorporation of subunit isoforms into... -
Stress granules plug and stabilize damaged endolysosomal membranes
Data related to the following paper: "Stress granules plug and stabilize damaged endolysosomal membranes" (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06726-w) Abstract: Endomembrane... -
Data from: Sex-specific estimation of cis and trans regulation of gene expres...
Datasets of the publication "Sex-specific estimation of cis and trans regulation of gene expression in heads and gonads of Drosophila melanogaster". -
Data from: "Dynamic pathogen detection and social feedback shape collective h...
basic data for use in code for experimental data analysis for manuscript under revision: Dynamic pathogen detection and social feedback shape collective hygiene in ants... -
Research data of the publication "Disulfide-bond-induced structural frustrati...
Disulfide bond formation is fundamentally important for protein structure, and constitutes a key mechanism by which cells regulate the intracellular oxidation state.... -
Source data for Metzler et al, 2023: Trade-offs between immunity and competit...
See Readme File for further information.