Uranium-Lead LA-ICPMS analysis of quality control calcite sample WC1
This data provide all details concerning LA-ICPMS U-Pb analyzis on calcites from the Vendée coast in France. The 3 calcites samples PP5, PN201 and ASN201 come from veins hosted... -
Uranium-Lead LA-ICPMS analysis of calcite sample Vendee_PP5 from the Vendée c...
This data provide all details concerning LA-ICPMS U-Pb analyzis on calcites from the Vendée coast in France. The 3 calcites samples PP5, PN201 and ASN201 come from veins hosted... -
Uranium-Lead LA-ICPMS analysis of calcite sample Vendee_PN201 from the Vendée...
This data provide all details concerning LA-ICPMS U-Pb analyzis on calcites from the Vendée coast in France. The 3 calcites samples PP5, PN201 and ASN201 come from veins hosted... -
Uranium-Lead LA-ICPMS analysis of calcite sample Vendee_ASN201 from the Vendé...
This data provide all details concerning LA-ICPMS U-Pb analyzis on calcites from the Vendée coast in France. The 3 calcites samples PP5, PN201 and ASN201 come from veins hosted... -
Radiocarbon age dating results of sediment short core EN18232-1 from Lake Kha...
The data compiles the results of radiocarbon dating. Subsamples (n=4) of the freeze-dried bulk material of the deeper part of the short core EN18232-1 were dated in the... -
Radiometric age dating results for 210Pb and 137Cs of sediment short core EN1...
The data presents the results of dating by 210Pb and 137Cs. Freeze-dried subsamples of the short core EN18232-1 were analysed for 210Pb, 226Ra, 137Cs and 241Am by direct gamma... -
Pb-210/Cs-137 dating of lake sediment cores 14-OM-12A, 14-OM-02B and 14-OM-20...
This dataset has no description
Pollen counts in sediment core 14-OM-20B from Omoloy region, north-eastern Si...
This dataset has no description
Pollen counts in sediment core 14-OM-02B from Omoloy region, north-eastern Si...
This dataset has no description
Pollen counts in sediment core 14-OM-12A from Omoloy region, north-eastern Si...
This dataset has no description
AMS radiocarbon dating of lake sediment cores 14-OM-12A, 14-OM-02B and 14-OM-...
This dataset has no description
Pollen counts, AMS C14 and Pb-210/Cs-137 dating in sediment cores from three ...
Here, we provide the raw pollen data archived in three Siberian lake sediment cores spanning the mid-Holocene to the present (7.6-0 cal ka BP), from northern typical tundra to... -
DCCD - contribution Stichting Ring
These files contain dendrochronological data and metadata of The Netherlands Centre for Dendrochronology (Ring Foundation). The data and metadata belong to: built heritage and... -
Suomalainen seksi 1971
Vastaajia pyydettiin aluksi kertomaan ovatko he samaa vai eri mieltä erilaisten väittämien kanssa, jotka koskivat mm. vapaata moraalia, sukupuoliyhteyden oikeutusta ilman... -
Suomalainen seksi 1992
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin suomalaisten sukupuolielämää. Vertailtavuuden takia suurin osa kysymyksistä on samoja kuin vuoden 1971 aineistossa (FSD1242), mutta monia teemoja on... -
Viron seksitutkimus 2000
Elina Haavio-Mannilan teettämässä aineistossa kartoitetaan virolaisten parisuhteita ja seksuaalisuutta. Ensin kysyttiin lapsuudenkodissa ja koulussa saadusta... -
Uranium-Lead LA-ICPMS analysis of calcite samples from the Vendée coast
This data provide all details concerning LA-ICPMS U-Pb analyzis on calcites from the Vendée coast in France. The 3 calcites samples PP5, PN201 and ASN201 come from veins hosted... -
DCCD - contribution Tomasz Wazny
The dendrochrological dataset contains information from:- neighbouring sites Pomarzany and Pomorzanki, close to the geographical centre of Poland - 121 timbers;- Warszawa, Royal... -
DCCD - contribution Centre européen d'Archéométrie, Liège
These files contain dendrochronological data and metadata from archaeological and historical sites from 200BC-2000AD gathered by the European Center of Archeometry (University... -
DCCD - contribution Wageningen University (WUR)
These files contain dendrochronological data and metadata from natural sites from The Netherlands collected by the Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR). You can...