Patients’ willingness to provide their clinical data for research purposes an...
This is the research data of the publication "Patients’ willingness to provide their clinical data for research purposes and acceptance of different consent models. Findings... -
Physicians’ Attitudes towards Secondary Use of Clinical Data for Biomedical R...
This is the research data from the publication "Physicians' Attitudes toward Secondary Use of Clinical Data for Biomedical Research Purposes. Results of a Quantitative Survey."... -
DZHW-Wissenschaftsbefragung 2019 DZHW Scientists Survey 2019
Die DZHW-Wissenschaftsbefragung 2019 ist eine Onlinebefragung des hauptberuflichen wissenschaftlich-künstlerischen Personals an deutschen Universitäten, pädagogischen,... -
Survey on CNR researchers' attitudes on data sharing in environmental sciences
Suvey on researchers' attitudes and practices of data sharing in the area of Environmental sciences. It is based on an online questionnaire submitted to CNR researchers... -
Patients’ willingness to provide their clinical data for research purposes an...
This is the research data of the publication "Patients’ willingness to provide their clinical data for research purposes and acceptance of different consent models. Findings... -
Physicians’ Attitudes towards Secondary Use of Clinical Data for Biomedical R...
This is the research data from the publication "Physicians' Attitudes toward Secondary Use of Clinical Data for Biomedical Research Purposes. Results of a Quantitative Survey."... -
DZHW-Wissenschaftsbefragung 2019 DZHW Scientists Survey 2019
Die DZHW-Wissenschaftsbefragung 2019 ist eine Onlinebefragung des hauptberuflichen wissenschaftlich-künstlerischen Personals an deutschen Universitäten, pädagogischen,...