Patients’ willingness to provide their clinical data for research purposes an...
This is the research data of the publication "Patients’ willingness to provide their clinical data for research purposes and acceptance of different consent models. Findings... -
Physicians’ Attitudes towards Secondary Use of Clinical Data for Biomedical R...
This is the research data from the publication "Physicians' Attitudes toward Secondary Use of Clinical Data for Biomedical Research Purposes. Results of a Quantitative Survey."... -
Global Digital Object Cloud
The authors describe an abstract global data architecture that is based on resolvable global persistent identifiers and globally accessible metadata and that has the potential... -
Cross Continental Collection Access & Management Pilot (C2CAMP)
A consortium of global communities and computing & data providers from 5 different continents proposes building a concrete pilot project focused on a global virtualisation... -
Survey - Accessing, (re)using, and sharing social media data in academia
Data from online survey among authors of the social sciences using social media data for their research and having published journal articles based on social media data between... -
Replication data for: Between Urgency and Data Quality: Assessing the FAIRnes...
Balancing speed and quality during crises pose challenges for ensuring the value and utility of data in social science research. The COVID-19 pandemic in particular underscores... -
Patients’ willingness to provide their clinical data for research purposes an...
This is the research data of the publication "Patients’ willingness to provide their clinical data for research purposes and acceptance of different consent models. Findings... -
Physicians’ Attitudes towards Secondary Use of Clinical Data for Biomedical R...
This is the research data from the publication "Physicians' Attitudes toward Secondary Use of Clinical Data for Biomedical Research Purposes. Results of a Quantitative Survey."... -
German Labour Market Data—Data Provision and Access for the International Sci...
The Research Data Centre at the Institute for Employment Research (RDC-IAB) has been offering high-quality administrative and survey data on the German labour market for 15...