Neon processing and analysis data
(1) Computed by comparison to 20Ne signal in air pipettes. 1-sigma uncertainty includes measurement uncertainty of 20Ne signal in this analysis and the reproducibility of the... -
Aluminum and beryllium isotope concentrations and ratios from the detrital ri...
= We used only the DUP Be-10 measurement because we re-leached the sample and concluded the first one was not clean enough. -
Aluminum isotope measurements from the detrital river sediment in central Cuba
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Beryllium isotope measurements from the detrital river sediment in central Cuba
Isotopic analysis was conducted at PRIME Laboratory; ratios were normalized against standard 07KNSTD3110 with an assumed ratio of 2850 x 10^-15 (Nishiizumi et al., 2007). -
Blank data for aluminum measurements
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Blank data for beryllium measurements
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Carbon cycle simulations results and estimates of the 14C production rate ove...
This data set contains carbon cycle simulations results and estimates of the 14C production rate Q over the last 55,000 years, as well as some not yet online available... -
In situ Be-10, Al-26, and Ne-21 measurements of detrital river sediment in ce...
We measured the concentration of in situ Be-10 and Al-26 in quartz separated from medium (250-850 micron) detrital river sand collected from 22 watersheds in central Cuba.... -
Beryllium blank sensitivity analysis from the detrital river sediment in cent...
Beryllium blank sensitivity analysis showing comparison between using individual batch blanks and average blanks. -
Aluminium-26 and Beryllium-10 derived erosion rate from the detrital river se...
Note: * Where the 26Al/10Be ratio is significantly below 7 (see Table S7), the erosion rates are overestimes.* The CU-016 Be data are only from the duplicate sample. -
Percentage of each basin underlain by different lithologic units of each samp...
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Sample information from each sample from the detrital river sediment in centr...
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Erosion rates from the detrital river sediment in central Cuba
The different erosion rate estimates have two different types of differences. One is that they were calculated using different isotopes in the rocks (26Al and 10Be). These are... -
CRONUS Input of all samples from the detrital river sediment in central Cuba
Input data table for the online calculator described by Balco et al. (2008) (hess.ess.washington.edu) and subsequently updated. Note: This table is set up so that you can open... -
Beryllium-10 erosion rate data for hillslope erosion in the Coastal Cordiller...
This data publication is supplementary to a study on the effect of large boulders and bedrock fracture patterns on hillslope denudation rates in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera,...