Updated microphysical cloud parameters retrieved from EM-FTIR spectra, measur...
During the legs PS106 and PS107 of the RV Polarstern, a Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer was used to measure radiation emitted by clouds. Spectra were recorded... -
Airborne radar reflectivity and brightness temperature measurements with POLA...
During the Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day (ACLOUD) campaign in summer 2017 conducted from Longyearbyen/Svalbard, a combination of active... -
Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during the ACLOUD campaign
During the ACLOUD (Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day) campaign conducted in May / June 2017, the Airborne Mobile Aerosol Lidar (AMALi) was... -
Radar reflectivities at 94 GHz and microwave brightness temperature measureme...
The published data set consists of measurements performed by the active cloud radar as part of the Microwave Radar and radiometer for Arctic Clouds (MiRAC; Mech et al., 2019)... -
Radar reflectivities at 94 GHz and microwave brightness temperature measureme...
The published data set consists of measurements performed by the active cloud radar as part of the MiRAC (Microwave Radar and radiometer for Arctic Clouds) operated on board the... -
Hole punch clouds near Moscow Domodedovo airport
We used Terra MODIS satellite data to study hole punch clouds near Moscow Domodedovo airport (55.408611 N 37.906111 E). -
MODIS and HYSPLIT data to study anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liqui...
We used MODIS (https://modis-images.gsfc.nasa.gov/_docs/C6MOD06OPUserGuide.pdf) and HYSPLIT (https://www.ready.noaa.gov/HYSPLIT.php) data to study the anthropogenic glaciation... -
GOES ABI satellite data to study anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liqu...
The dataset contains geographical locations and datetimes of occurrence for the events of anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds identified in GOES ABI... -
Meteorological conditions characteristic of anthropogenic glaciation of super...
We used ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis data to characterise the meteorological conditions characteristic of anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds and of cloud... -
Ground-based precipitation radar data to study glaciation of supercooled liqu...
Ground-based precipitation radar datasets (two sites in Canada) were used to study the glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds downwind anthropogenic air pollution... -
Python code for processing MODIS satellite data to study anthropogenic glacia...
The given python code is used to analyse anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds downwind of strong industrial point sources of air pollution using Terra... -
Air pollution sources leading to anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liqu...
This dataset lists the air pollution sources leading to anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds. The glaciation events were identified in Terra MODIS data. -
LiDAR measurements during the Reef To Rainforest campaign
Analysis of the Bureau of Meteorology's RMAN lidar. Contact Simon Alexander (Australian Antarctic Division, Hobart, simon.alexander@awe.gov.au) & Alain Protat (Bureau of... -
Long-term ice nucleating particle concentrations by offline vacuum diffusion ...
The data set reports on long-term measurements of ice nucleating particles (INPs) from four observational sites: 1. Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO, 2.144° S, 59.000° W, 130... -
Microwave brightness temperature measurements during the ACLOUD Arctic airbor...
The data set contains measurements performed by the passive radiometer as part of the Microwave Radar and radiometer for Arctic Clouds (MiRAC; Mech et al., 2019) operated on... -
Properties of liquid-dominated clouds over the ice-free and sea-ice-covered A...
This dataset contains retrieved microphysical properties of liquid-dominated clouds from the Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day (ACLOUD,... -
Great Barrier Reef Atmospheric Composition Measurements during the Reef To Ra...
This dataset describes a series of aerosol and meteorological measurements collected in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Marine Park collected during the "GBR as a significant... -
Ultraviolet Index measurements in the Indian Ocean
Within the framework of various programmes funded by Europe, Reunion Council or CNES (French Space Agency), the University of Réunion Island has developed a specialized network... -
Long-term ice nucleating particle concentrations by offline vacuum diffusion ...
The data set reports on long-term measurements of ice nucleating particles (INPs) from four observational sites: 1. Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO, 2.144° S, 59.000° W, 130... -
Aerosol markers (black carbon, radon) as well as atmospheric concentration of...
10 minute resolution data file with measurements from the Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (ToF-AMS), the Multi-Angle Absorption Photometer (MAAP) and the Radon...