Radiance fields of clouds and the Arctic surface measured by a digital camera...
During the HALO-(AC)3 campaign performed in March/April 2022 a downward-looking commercial digital camera equipped with a 180° - fisheye lens was installed on the aircraft Polar... -
Radar reflectivities at 94 GHz and microwave brightness temperature measureme...
The published data set consists of measurements performed by the active cloud radar as part of the Microwave Radar and radiometer for Arctic Clouds (MiRAC; Mech et al., 2019)... -
Radar reflectivities at 94 GHz and microwave brightness temperature measureme...
The published data set consists of measurements performed by the active cloud radar as part of the Microwave Radar and radiometer for Arctic Clouds (MiRAC; Mech et al., 2019)... -
Microwave brightness temperature measurements during the AFLUX Arctic airborn...
The data set contains measurements performed by the passive radiometer as part of the Microwave Radar and radiometer for Arctic Clouds (MiRAC; Mech et al., 2019) operated on... -
Microwave brightness temperature measurements during the MOSAiC-ACA Arctic ai...
The data set contains measurements performed by the passive radiometer Humidity And Temperature PROfiler (HATPRO; Rose et al., 2005) operated on board the Polar 5 research... -
Cloud mask and cloud top altitude from the AMALi airborne lidar on Polar 5 du...
The data set contains the cloud mask and cloud top altitude derived from measurements with the Airborne Mobile Aerosol Lidar (AMALi; Stachlewska et al., 2010) operated on board... -
Microwave brightness temperature measurements during the HALO-AC3 Arctic airb...
The data set contains measurements performed by the passive radiometer Humidity And Temperature PROfiler (HATPRO; Rose et al., 2005) operated on board the Polar 5 research... -
Radar reflectivities at 94 GHz and microwave brightness temperature measureme...
The published data set consists of measurements performed by the active cloud radar as part of the Microwave Radar and radiometer for Arctic Clouds (MiRAC; Mech et al., 2019)... -
Low-level stratus mask from Polarstern during MOSAiC
Daily files of low-level stratus (LLS) for the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition (Shupe et al., 2022). The LLS was... -
Properties of liquid-dominated clouds over the ice-free and sea-ice-covered A...
This dataset contains retrieved microphysical properties of liquid-dominated clouds from the Arctic Amplification: FLUXes in the Cloudy Atmospheric Boundary Layer (AFLUX,... -
Radar reflectivities at 94 GHz and microwave brightness temperature measureme...
The published data set consists of measurements performed by the active cloud radar as part of the MiRAC (Microwave Radar and radiometer for Arctic Clouds) operated on board the... -
Radar reflectivities at 94 GHz and microwave brightness temperature measureme...
The published data set consists of measurements performed by the active cloud radar as part of the MiRAC (Microwave Radar and radiometer for Arctic Clouds) operated on board the... -
Microwave brightness temperature measurements during the MOSAiC-ACA Arctic ai...
The data set contains measurements performed by the passive radiometer Humidity and And Temperature PROfiler (HATPRO) operated on board the Polar 5 research aircraft during 10... -
Microwave brightness temperature measurements during the ACLOUD Arctic airbor...
The data set contains measurements performed by the passive radiometer as part of the MiRAC (Microwave Radar and radiometer for Arctic Clouds) operated on board the Plar 5... -
Microwave brightness temperature measurements during the AFLUX Arctic airborn...
The data set contains measurements performed by the passive radiometer as part of the MiRAC (Microwave Radar and radiometer for Arctic Clouds) operated on board the Polar 5... -
Temperature and humidity profiles, integrated water vapour and liquid water p...
The data set contains daily files of path integrated amount of water vapour (precipitable water, prw) and cloud liquid (clwvi), as well as temperature (ta) and humidity (hua)... -
DLR in-situ cloud measurements during AFLUX Arctic airborne campaign
During AFLUX field campaign in spring 2019 the Basler BT-67 research aircraft Polar 5 based in Spitzbergen (78.24 N, 15.49 E) was equiped with an advanced in-situ cloud payload... -
DLR in-situ cloud measurements during MOSAiC-ACA Arctic airborne campaign
During MOSAiC-ACA field campaign in late summer 2020 the Basler BT-67 research aircraft Polar 5 based in Spitzbergen (78.24 N, 15.49 E) was equiped with an advanced in-situ... -
Microphysical Cloud Parameters and water paths retrieved from EM-FTIR spectra...
In summer 2017, measurements of atmospheric radiance were performed using a mobile emission Fourier Transform Infrared (EM-FTIR) spectrometer. This EM-FTIR spectrometer was... -
Radiance fields of clouds and the Arctic surface measured by a digital camera...
During the ACLOUD (Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day ) campaign in May / June 2017 a downward-looking commercial digital camera equipped...