Lago Sos Canales - Italy
Lake Sos Canales (IT10-005-A) is located in north-eastern Sardinia. The reservoir was built in 1956 with the damming of the Tirso River. The reservoir lies at 714 m a. s. l. and... -
Laguna di Cabras - Italy
Cabras Lagoon is located on the west coast of Sardinia (Italy), in the Gulf of Oristano (39°56’37’’N, 08°28’43’’E), and occupies about 2280 ha, with a mean water depth and... -
Müggelsee - Germany
Lake Müggelsee is a shallow (mean depth 4.9 m, max depth 8 m), eutrophic lake situated southeast of the city of Berlin (Germany, 52° 26’ N, 13° 39’ E). The lake is polymictic... -
Mooring A: Southwestern Ross Sea, Ross Island - Antarctica
The mooring A is located in an open sea area close to Franklin Island, characterized by both clay bottom sediment and a flat morphology. The station can be considered as... -
Laguna di Santa Giusta - Italy
Santa Giusta occupies an area of 8 km2, with a mean depth of 1 m. Rio Pauli Maiori and Rio Pauli Figu are the two primary freshwater inputs, both located on the lagoon’s east... -
Lago Temo - Italy
Lake Temo (IT10-006-A) is located in north-west Sardinia. The construction of the dam began in 1971 and ended in 1984. The reservoir lies at 226 m a.s.l. and has an area of 4.81... -
Laguna di S'Ena Arrubia - Italy
S’Ena Arrubia Lagoon is located along the central western coast of Sardinia (39.83° N, 8.57° E); it is 1.2 km2 in area and has a mean depth of 40 cm. Freshwater input is... -
Mooring B: North Central Ross Sea, Joides Basin - Antarctica
The Mooring B is located in the North-central Ross Sea in the Joides Basin. The mooring is equiped with sediment traps, currentometers, trasmissometer, fluorimeter and CTD. The... -
Acquatina - Italy
In the past the Acquatina basin was part of a vast brackish system periodically invaded by the Adriatic Sea. In the ‘30s, during the reclamation work of the marsh areas... -
Piburger See - Austria
Piburger See is a small mountain lake in the Eastern Alps (Austria) and was part of the OECD study on eutrophication (OECD, 1980). This lake experienced cultural eutrophication... -
Allt a'Mharcaidh - United Kingdom
UK ECN site. Allt a'Mharcaidh is a stream site on the western flank of the Cairngorm Mountains. The catchment area is 998ha and it drains to the River Feshie, a tributary of... -
VLIZ Thornton Buoy - Belgium
The site consists of a marine databuoy equipped with a suite of sensors that monitor water quality parameters and acoustic receivers for the detection of Porpoises and tagged... -
IT24 - Lagoons of Salento - Italy
The Salento lagoons site comprises two coastal brackish lagoons located in the South Apulia (SE Italy): Acquatina and Alimini. Acquatina is a semi-artificial and... -
Alchichica Mex-LTER - Mexico
Lago Alchichica se localiza a una elevación de 2300 msnm con una profundidad 62 m y es de agua salobre.Habitan organismos endémicos y se encuentran rocas calizas de particular... -
Abrolhos Bank - Brazil
The Abrolhos Bank is located along the eastern Brazilian coast and is characterized by an enlargement of the Brazilian shelf (~46.000 km2), reaching approximately 200 km in... -
North Temperate Lakes LTER - United States of America
Our primary study sites include a set of seven northern Wisconsin and four southern Wisconsin lakes and their surrounding landscapes. The project, which started in 1981, is...