327 datasets found

Keywords: chemically peculiar stars

Filter Results
  • Metal-poor star RAVE J093730.5-062655 abundances

    A new moderately r-process-enhanced metal-poor star, RAVEJ093730.5-062655, has been identified in the Milky Way halo as part of an ongoing survey by the R-Process Alliance. The...
  • Abundances of 3 metal-poor stars in Horologium I

    We present chemical abundance measurements of three stars in the ultrafaint dwarf galaxy Horologium I, a Milky Way satellite discovered by the Dark Energy Survey. Using...
  • 2MASS J15111324-2130030 metal-poor star abundances

    The rapid neutron-capture or r-process is thought to produce the majority of the heavy elements (Z>30) in extremely metal-poor stars. The same process is also responsible for...
  • NLTE spectroscopy. II. Galactic metal-poor stars

    From exploratory studies and theoretical expectations it is known that simplifying approximations in spectroscopic analysis (local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), 1D) lead to...
  • Ultra-metal-poor stars LTE and NLTE abundances

    We present new ultra-metal-poor stars parameters with [Fe/H] < -4.0 based on line-by-line non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) abundances using an up-to-date iron model...
  • Carbon-enhanced metal-poor star BD+44493 EWs

    The carbon-enhanced metal-poor star BD+44{deg}493 ([Fe/H]=-3.9) has been proposed as a candidate second-generation star enriched by metals from a single Pop III star. We report...
  • Very metal-poor stars in the Milky Way's halo

    We explore the kinematics and orbital properties of a sample of 323 very metal-poor stars in the halo system of the Milky Way, selected from the high-resolution spectroscopic...
  • Chemical abundances in a metal-poor RGB star

    We present chemical abundances for 27 elements ranging from oxygen to erbium in the metal-poor ([Fe/H]=-1.67) bulge red giant branch star 2MASS 18174532-3353235. The results are...
  • Abundances of metal-poor stars

    The abundance patterns of the most metal-poor stars in the Galactic halo and small dwarf galaxies provide us with a wealth of information about the early Universe. In...
  • Elemental abundance analyses of nu Her & 41 Cyg

    This series of high quality elemental abundance analyses of mostly Main Sequence normal and peculiar B, A, and F stars defines their properties and provides data for the...
  • Carbon abundances in metal-poor stars

    We develop and test a method for the estimation of metallicities ([Fe/H]) and carbon abundance ratios ([C/Fe]) for carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars based on the...
  • Extremely metal-poor star candidates abundances

    We present chemical abundances for 110 stars identified in objective-prism surveys as candidates for being very metal-poor. The abundances are derived from high-S/N,...
  • Elemental abundances of 3 red giants in Ter 7

    Chemical abundances in three giants in Terzan 7, a globular cluster associated with the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy, have been determined using high-resolution spectra obtained...
  • Abundance ratios of 4 stars in Pal 12

    We present a detailed abundance analysis for 21 elements based on high-dispersion, high spectral resolution Keck spectra for four members of the outer halo "young" Galactic...
  • Proper motions of metal-poor stars

    We present a revised catalog of 2106 Galactic stars, selected without kinematic bias and with available radial velocities, distance estimates, and metal abundances in the range...
  • Chemical composition of halo and disk stars

    Table 3. Atmospheric parameters, space velocities, distances, masses and ages of the program stars. Table 4. Atomic line data including wavelength, excitation energy of the...
  • Abundances of HR 4487, 14 Hyd and 3 Cen A

    Ussing CASLEO echelle spectrograms, elemental abundances are derived for the sharp-lined non-magnetic CP stars HR 4487, 14 Hya and 3 Cen A. The first two stars are members of...
  • Variability of CP stars

    (no description available)
  • Metal-poor stars NLTE abundances of Eu

    As a key to chemical evolutionary studies, the distribution of elements in galactic provides a wealth of information to understand the individual star formation histories of...
  • Bright VPM stars from Gaia RVS spectra

    Gaia DR3 has offered the scientific community a remarkable dataset of approximately one million spectra acquired with the Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) in the Calcium II...
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