327 datasets found

Keywords: chemically peculiar stars

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  • Overproduction factors of s-nuclei in massive stars

    Using the "post-processing" technique, we explore the role of the convective overshooting on the production of s-nuclei in stellar models of different initial mass and...
  • Fe Abundances in metal-poor stars

    The determination of Lithium abundance A(Li) is extremely sensitive to the adopted temperature scale, so that a Teff bias might mimic a trend in A(Li). We present here VLT-UVES...
  • Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars

    Carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars are known to have properties that reflect the nucleosynthesis of the first low- and intermediate- mass stars, because most have been...
  • Extremely metal-poor turnoff stars abundances

    The detailed chemical abundances of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars are key guides to understanding the early chemical evolution of the Galaxy. Most existing data, however,...
  • Chemical abundances of 451 stars

    We present a uniform study of the chemical abundances of 12 elements (Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Na, Mg, and Al) derived from the spectra of 451 stars observed as part...
  • Abundances in M71 (NGC 6838)

    Abundance variations in moderately metal-rich globular clusters can give clues about the formation and chemical enrichment of globular clusters. CN, CH, Na, Mg and Al indices in...
  • HES survey. IV. Candidate metal-poor stars

    We present the quantitative methods used for selecting candidate metal-poor stars in the Hamburg/ESO objective-prism survey (HES). The selection is based on the strength of the...
  • Abundances of red giants in NGC 6441

    The aim of the present work is to determine accurate metallicities for a group of red giant branch stars in the field of the bulge Globular Cluster NGC 6441. This is the third...
  • Abundances in atmospheres of stars with planets

    We present a uniform and homogeneous study of the abundances of Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Na, Mg and Al in 100 stars with and 94 without known planetary companions. The...
  • Chemical abundances of 32 mildly metal-poor stars

    We present photospheric abundances of the O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Ba elements for 32 mildly metal-poor stars with [Fe/H]~-0.7. High resolution and high...
  • Elemental abundance analyses. XXIX.

    We performed elemental abundances analyses of the mercury-manganese (HgMn) stars 53 Tau, {beta} Tau, and {gamma} Crv consistent with previous studies of similar stars in this...
  • Metal-poor stars uvby-beta photometry. XI.

    New uvby-beta data are provided for 442 high-velocity and metal-poor stars; 90 of these stars have been observed previously by us, and 352 are new. When combined with our...
  • Lithium content of the Galactic Halo stars

    Thanks to the accurate determination of the baryon density of the universe by the recent cosmic microwave background experiments, updated predictions of the standard model of...
  • Abundances of 20 F-G disk stars

    We present Mn, Co and Eu abundances for a sample of 20 disk F and G dwarfs and subgiants with metallicities between -0.8 and +0.3. We investigate the influence of hyperfine...
  • Chemical abundances in 43 metal-poor stars

    We have derived abundances of O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Ni and Ba for 43 metal-poor field stars in the solar neighbourhood, most of them subgiants or...
  • Equivalent widths of 7 thin-disk stars

    In Papers I (del Peloso et al. 2005, Cat. ) and II (2005A&A...434..301D) we performed the first determination of the age of the Galactic thin disk from Th/Eu...
  • HERES II. Spectroscopic analysis

    We present the results of analysis of "snapshot" spectra of 253 metal-poor halo stars -3.8<=[Fe/H]<=-1.5 obtained in the HERES survey. The snapshot spectra have been...
  • Abundances in Milky Way's disk

    We have compiled a large catalogue of metallicities and abundance ratios from the literature in order to investigate abundance trends of several alpha and iron peak elements in...
  • SMC NGC 346-11 and AV 304 spectra

    An analysis of high-resolution VLT/UVES spectra of two B-type main sequence stars, NGC 346-11 and AV 304, in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), has been undertaken, using the...
  • Nebular abundances of southern symbiotic stars

    We have calculated relative element abundances for a sample of 43 symbiotic stars. Helium abundances and the relative elemental abundances N/O, Ne/O, Ar/O were derived from new...
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