1,581 datasets found

Keywords: chemical abundances

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  • AGN activity in isolated SDSS galaxies

    We discuss the nature and origin of the nuclear activity observed in a sample of 292 SDSS narrow-emission-line galaxies, considered to have formed and evolved in isolation. All...
  • HII regions in NGC 5055

    In this paper, using CCD observations of the galaxy NGC 5055 in the emission lines of Halpha and Hbeta (Rozas, 2007RMxAA, submitted), together with CCD observations in the...
  • LAMOST metal-poor galaxies sample

    We present a sample of 48 metal-poor galaxies at z<0.14 selected from 92 510 galaxies in the LAMOST survey. These galaxies are identified by their detection of the auroral...
  • [alpha/Fe] ratios from LAMOST spectra

    The [{alpha}/Fe] ratios in stars are good tracers to probe the formation history of stellar populations and the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. The spectroscopic survey of...
  • Departure from mass-metallicity relation

    Heavy element accumulation and stellar mass assembly are fundamental processes in the formation and evolution of galaxies. However, the key elements that govern them, such as...
  • Stellar spin-down law

    Unlike partially convective stars such as the Sun, fully convective stars do not possess a radiative core. Whether a star needs this core to generate a solar-like magnetic...
  • White dwarfs abundances

    The timing of formation of the first planetesimals determines the mode of planetary accretion and their geophysical and compositional evolution. Astronomical observations of...
  • Sun-like stars abundances

    Stellar members of binary systems are formed from the same material, and therefore they should be chemically identical. However, recent studies have unveiled chemical...
  • Co-moving pair of stars abundances

    Stellar chemical compositions can be altered by ingestion of planetary material and/or planet formation, which removes refractory material from the protostellar disk. These...
  • C-19 stream members

    Stellar ejecta gradually enrich the gas out of which subsequent stars form, making the least chemically enriched stellar systems direct fossils of structures formed in the early...
  • Na abundances in NGC6752

    The asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase is the final stage of nuclear burning for low-mass stars. Although Milky Way globular clusters are now known to harbour (at least) two...
  • Parameters of Star Formation Regions

    Results of a study of physical parameters of stellar population in star formation regions in galaxies with signs of peculiarity NGC 3963 and NGC 7292 are presented. The study...
  • High-mass star forming clumps from MALT90

    A total of 197 relatively isolated high-mass star-forming clumps were selected from the Millimeter Astronomy Legacy Team 90GHz (MALT90) survey data and their global chemical...
  • Evolution of Sun-like stars

    Sun-like stars are well represented in the solar neighbourhood but are currently under-utilised, with many studies of chemical and kinematic evolution focusing on red giants...
  • Nearby main-sequence stars abundances

    To date, we have access to enormous inventories of stellar spectra that allow the extraction of atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances essential in stellar studies....
  • Extreme velocity stars in the Galaxy

    Two decades on, the study of hypervelocity stars is still in its infancy. These stars can provide novel constraints on the total mass of the Galaxy and its Dark Matter...
  • GALAH DR3 RR Lyrae abundances

    Stellar mergers and accretion events have been crucial in shaping the evolution of the Milky Way (MW). These events have been dynamically identified and chemically characterized...
  • Abundance catalogue of solar twins in GALAH

    Stellar chemical abundances have proved themselves a key source of information for understanding the evolution of the Milky Way, and the scale of major stellar surveys such as...
  • Abundances of FGK primary stars

    Detailed chemical composition of stars is of prime interest for a range of topics in modern stellar astrophysics, such as the chemical evolution of the Galaxy or the formation,...
  • PN chemical abundances in Galactic Bulge

    In this, the third of a series of papers, we present well determined chemical abundances for 124 Planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Galactic bulge from deep, long-slit FORS2 spectra...
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