393 datasets found

Keywords: broad band photometry

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  • Spectroscopic observations on M4 AGB stars

    Several recent spectroscopic investigations have presented conflicting results on the existence of Na-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the Galactic globular cluster M...
  • Variability of Galactic Be stars using ASAS-3

    We present an investigation of a large sample of confirmed (N=233) and candidate (N=54) Galactic classical Be stars (mean V magnitude range of 6.4-12.6mag), with the main aim of...
  • Light curves of RR Lyrae variables in M31

    We present an analysis of M31 RR Lyrae stars in six different fields using archival imaging from the Hubble Space Telescope. Published data for M31, M33, and several M31 dwarf...
  • Luminous cool supergiants in Magellanic Clouds

    The empirical upper luminosity boundary L_max_ of cool supergiants, often referred to as the Humphreys-Davidson limit, is thought to encode information on the general mass-loss...
  • Berkeley 51 UBV photometry

    The heavily obscured open cluster Berkeley 51 shows characteristics typical of young massive clusters, even though the few previous studies have suggested older ages. We combine...
  • NGC 2282 photometry of variable stars

    We report here CCD I-band time series photometry of a young (2-5Myr) cluster NGC 2282, in order to identify and understand the variability of pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars. The...
  • AGB subpopulations in NGC 6397

    It has been well established that Galactic Globular clusters (GCs) harbour more than one stellar population, distinguishable by the anticorrelations of light-element abundances...
  • Photometric study of globular clusters

    In this paper, we describe the photometric and spectroscopic properties of multiple populations in seven northern globular clusters. In this study, we employ precise...
  • LMC Washington CMT1 photometry of star clusters

    We analysed Washington CMT1 photometry of star clusters located along the minor axis of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), from the LMC optical centre up to ~39{deg} outwards to...
  • Hierarchical formation of Westerlund 1

    We examine the level of substructure and mass segregation in the massive, young cluster Westerlund 1. We find that it is relatively smooth, with little or no mass segregation,...
  • Open cluster King 1 photometry

    We analyse the poorly studied open cluster King 1 in the second Galactic quadrant. From wide-field photometry, we have studied the spatial distribution of this cluster. We...
  • 1876 open clusters multimembership catalog

    The main objective of this work is to determine the cluster members of 1876 open clusters, using positions and proper motions of the astrometric fourth United States Naval...
  • Mass-loss rates in LMC and SMC O stars

    We use a combination of BVJHK and Spitzer [3.6], [5.8] and [8.0] photometry to determine infrared (IR) excesses for a sample of 58 Large Magellanic Cloud and 46 Small Magellanic...
  • Faint LSB galaxy cand. in Perseus cluster

    We present the detection of 89 low surface brightness (LSB), and thus low stellar density galaxy candidates in the Perseus cluster core, of the kind named 'ultra-diffuse...
  • Seven recent novae BVI light curves

    The BVI light curves of seven recent novae (i.e. V1534 Sco, V1535 Sco, V2949 Oph, V3661 Oph, MASTER OT J010603.18-744715.8, TCP J18102829-2729590 and ASASSN-16ma) have been...
  • Extremely Isolated Galaxies. II.

    We have selected a sample of 41 extremely isolated galaxies (EIGs) from the local Universe using both optical and HI Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey redshifts. Narrow-band...
  • NGC 7538 region YSOs

    Deep optical photometric data on the NGC 7538 region were collected and combined with archival data sets from the Chandra, 2MASS and Spitzer surveys to generate a new catalogue...
  • UBVRICT1T2 photometry of 7 open clusters

    We present a comprehensive UBVRI and Washington CT_1_T_2_ photometric analysis of seven catalogued open clusters, namely: Ruprecht 3, 9, 37, 74, 150, ESO 324-15 and 436-2. The...
  • Silicate crystallinities of O-rich evolved stars

    For decades ever since the early detection in the 1990s of the emission spectral features of crystalline silicates in oxygen-rich evolved stars, there is a long-standing debate...
  • ASASSN-15oi UBVI M2W1W2 light curves

    We present ground-based and Swift photometric and spectroscopic observations of the tidal disruption event (TDE) ASASSN-15oi, discovered at the centre of 2MASX J20390918-3045201...
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