Schipluiden - Harnaschpolder, campagne 07HP
De Harnaschpolder, gelegen ten westen van Delft in de gemeente Midden-Delfland, wordt sinds 2003 ingericht ten behoeve van een afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie (AWZI) als... -
Boog C Noord
Opgraving in het kader van infrastructurele werken van de Betuweroute. Een deel van een boerenerf uit de overgangsperiode van het Laat-Neolithicum naar de Vroege Bronstijd... -
Schipluiden - Harnaschpolder, campagne 06HP
De Harnaschpolder, gelegen ten westen van Delft in de gemeente Midden-Delfland, wordt sinds 2003 ingericht ten behoeve van een afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie (AWZI) als... -
Schipluiden - Harnaschpolder, campagne 05HP
De Harnaschpolder, gelegen ten westen van Delft in de gemeente Midden-Delfland, wordt sinds 2003 ingericht ten behoeve van een afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie (AWZI) als... -
Grensmaaslocatie Nattenhoven
De Grensmaaslocaties Bosscherveld, Maasband, Meers, Urmond, Nattenhoven, Grevenbicht, Vissersweert, Roosteren behoren tot de 'overige' Grensmaaslocaties. Deze kleine projecten... -
Een archeologisch inventariserend veldonderzoek (IVO) door middel van boringe...
Op een locatie, boring 197, is een indicator aangetroffen uit de steentijd. In boringen 143 en 164 zijn indicatoren gevonden voor smidswerk. In boring 50 zit verbrand bot,... -
Archeologisch Bureauonderzoek & Inventariserend Veldonderzoek (IVO), d.m.v. b...
Archeologisch onderzoeksbureau Becker & Van de Graaf bv heeft in december 2008 een archeologisch bureauonderzoek en een Inventariserend Veldonderzoek (IVO) door middel van... -
Gewei uit de geul
In de periode tussen 24 april en 7 juni 2006 en van 29 mei tot en met 19 juli 2007 is archeologisch onderzoek verricht aan de Burgemeester Middelweerdbaan in De Meern. De daar... -
Quantum renormalisation of spin waves in a square lattice antiferromagnet
The two dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice is one of the most studied model in quantum magnetism . This is in part due to its intrinsic interest but also... -
Excitations of the Zeeman ladder in a transverse field in the Ising antiferro...
The excitations of an Ising antiferromagnetic chain have been studied in the past and are known to form either continuous spectrum or Zeeman ladders. Such a system can be... -
The impact of synthetic perfumes on surfactant self-assembly.
This proposal is part of a broad collaboration between Oxford, CCLRC, and Unilever in the study of surfactants and mixed surfactants at interfaces and in solution. This is an... -
Quasielastic intensity distribution and dispersion of low-energy magnetic exc...
In a number of recent experiments on the pure CeB6 compound, we have revealed strong quasielastic inten-sity in the normal (paramagnetic) state with a rich momentum-space... -
Temperature driven spin incoherence and criticality in the Luttinger liquid p...
We propose an experiment on the low energy spectrometer LET to study temperature effects on the Luttinger liquid (LL) phase on the spin ladder geometry. The spin ladder material... -
Pressure-induced O(2) quantum phase transition in a quantum antiferromagnet
Quantum phase transitions (QPT) continue to attract the attention of experimentalists and theorists alike. Experiments on quantum magnets have been crucial to understand their... -
Magnetic excitation spectra in the field induced quantum phases of the quasi-...
We propose to investigate the magnetic excitation spectra in the three accessible magnetic ordered phases of the quasi-1D S-1/2 Ising-like antiferromagnet SrCo2V2O8 by single... -
Field-induced z=2 quantum criticality of a 1D quantum magnet
During recent years, the study of T=0 quantum phase transitions (QPT), the emergent scaling properties and their profound influence on physical properties at T>0 has... -
Understanding enhanced thermoelectric properties of sodium cobaltate doped by...
The thermoelectric power factor for (Na1-y¿My¿)0.8CoO2 is dramatically increased when M = Sr, but it is essentally unchanged from the pure compound when M = Ca. Our previous SXD... -
E/T scaling and quantum critical fluctuations in Sr3Ru2O7
Many novel electronic ground states form in close proximity to quantum critical points (QCPs), that is, the point where a continuous phase transition occurs at zero temperature.... -
Structure and Stability of Copper Hydroxy Halides, Products of Anion Exchange...
We have successfully synthesised materials based on naturally occurring minerals and structurally related phases with the formula, Cu2(OH)3X where X is an anion. Phases with the... -
Quasielastic intensity distribution and dispersion of low-energy magnetic exc...
In a number of recent experiments on the pure CeB6 compound, we have revealed strong quasielastic inten-sity in the normal (paramagnetic) state with a rich momentum-space...