In-situ particle size distribution measured during each sampling
This table contains the in-situ particle size distribution data measured by laser diffraction (LISST100X, Sequoia) during each sampling. -
Conducted measurements during the bioassay incubation initiated after the flo...
This table contains measurements conducted during the bioassay incubation initiated after the flocculation experiment. Filtrates of gypsum and control treatments were amended... -
Selected colored dissolved organic matter propertie of the experimental flocc...
This table contains measurements of selected colored dissolved organic matter properties measured in size-fractioned dissolved organic matter after an ultrafiltration conducted... -
Laboratory measurements after the experimental flocculation
This table contains laboratory measurements from both treatments conducted after the experimental flocculation. -
Sensor data collected during the sampling in river Paimionjoki
This table contains sensor data collected during the sampling and all measurements that were conducted in the laboratory before any experimental manipulations. During each... -
Benthic-Planktic 14C offsets of sediment core TAN1106-28
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Biogeochemical proxies analysed on sediment core TAN1106-28
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Biological and chemical water properties measured in water bottle samples dur...
During the cruise SO269 (August/September 2019) on board of the German RV SONNE, we collected water with a CTD SBE911 rosette system at 81 stations (resulting in more than 600... -
Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples during the cruise Hai Yang Di...
During the cruise H10-2018 on board the Chinese R/V Hai Yang Di Zhi Shi Hao, we collected water with a CTD SBE911 rosette system in 64 stations distributed along the shelf,... -
Gypsum flocculation experiment in river Paimionjoki, Finland, 2022
A laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate gypsum induced flocculation of dissolved organic matter in a boreal river Paimionjoki in south-western Finland in April,... -
Marine Isotope Stage 3, TAN1106-28 dust and iron fluxes, export production, a...
This data set includes biogeochemical proxy data analysed on sediment core TAN1106-28 in 2021 at the University of Tasmania, The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology... -
Tracking 21st century anthropogenic and natural carbon fluxes through model-d...
A time series of 21st century observation-based woody vegetation carbon stocks (Xu et al.,2021; https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abe9829) was assimilated into the... -
Geochemical properties of dissolved and particulate matter from Batagay thaw ...
This study examines the release of dissolved and particulate matter due to the permafrost thaw in the Batagay mega thaw slump in central Yakutia (Russia) (67.58°N, 134.77°E) and... -
Hells Bells project - results of sampling campaign in February 2020
This data set compiles the results of water chemical analyses as well as bulk chemical analyses of the particles suspended in the water columns of cenotes (sinkholes) obtained... -
Sediment biogeochemistry and diatom assemblages in dated sediment core from l...
This dataset comprises multiproxy biogeochemical data and diatom assemblage data for a sediment sequence (LTe22-1) from lake Teremendo (Michoacán, Mexico). The data were used to... -
Sediment biogeochemistry and diatom assemblages in dated sediment core from l...
This dataset comprises multiproxy biogeochemical data and diatom assemblage data for a sediment sequence (LSm-22-1) from lake Santa Maria del Oro (Nayarit, Mexico). The data... -
Bottle sample data and ChemYak data used for calibration from Cambridge Bay, ...
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Water mass analysis (mixing model) for near-surface samples at station B1 fro...
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ChemYak quality-controlled and interpolated data from the RBR CTD, LGR GGA, a...
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ChemYak quality-controlled and interpolated data from the RBR CTD, LGR GGA, a...
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