The gut microbiota of wild bees and honeybees in Puerto Rico
In the tropics, specialization of the interaction between plants and pollinators tends to decrease . In fact, wild bees can shift their floral resources, showing behavioral... -
Structuration of Vairimorpha (Nosema) ceranae populations in the South Wester...
Article abstract : The microsporidian Vairimorpha ceranae is one of the most common parasites of the honeybee worldwide. A single honeybee carries multiple alleles of V. ceranae... -
Amplicon sequencing of variable 16S rRNA and ITS2 regions reveal honeybee die...
European Apis mellifera and Asian Apis cerana honeybees, are essential crop pollinators. Microbiome studies can provide complex information on health and fitness of these... -
Honeybee environment microbiome
Study of bacterial community associated to honeybees and their environment (pollen bread, brood, gut, etc.) in pristine and agricultural environments and in different seasons.