Macroremains from sediment core Akazienweg
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Pure culture of lichen forming fungus Evernia prunastri
The metagenome skimming approach, i.e. low coverage shotgun sequencing of multi-species assemblages and subsequent reconstruction of individual genomes is increasingly used for... -
WGA as alternative for DNA extraction on lichens
We tested Whole-Genome-Amplifictaion (WGA) as an alternative to obtain large quantities of DNA for downstream application on lichens. Resulting amplifications were sequenced and... -
Plant macrofossil concentrations from an open section of Lac de Fully sediments
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A study of wood, knots and bark extractives from oak and beech (EU) and Dougl...
The available database Wood_db-chemistry is the result of extracting interesting data by analysing already published scientific literature. The data provide information on...