483 datasets found

Keywords: astronomical object identification

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  • Gliese catalog star/2MASS cross identifications

    We provide precise J2000/epoch 2000 coordinates and cross-identifications to sources in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog for nearly all stars in the Gliese, Gliese-Jahreiss, and...
  • EUVE optical atlas

    The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) has been detecting EUV sources since its launch in June 1992. Positions of 540 sources have been made available to the community by the...
  • Photometry in open cluster NGC 5822

    The study presents photoelectric photometry of stars in NGC 5822 on the UBVR and DDO systems. The BV data are employed to calibrate a photographic survey of the cluster, while...
  • MAXI/GSC catalog in high Galactic-latitude sky

    We present the first unbiased source catalog of the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) mission at high Galactic latitudes (|b|>10{deg}), produced from the first 7-month...
  • Flare stars in the Pleiades

    A brief account is given of the problems in identifying newly discovered variable stars with already known ones. These problems are most acute in dense stellar fields, for...
  • Isolated galaxies ident. with IRAS and NVSS

    We determine some parameters of the far infrared radiation for a sample of isolated galaxies, namely, luminosity, color indices, dust temperature, and current star formation...
  • Harvard variables

    Coordinates and identifications are presented for 726 Harvard Variable stars and suspected variables, discovered or studied by D. Hoffleit and announced in Harvard Bulletins...
  • Dolidze S, C, and MS stars positions

    In the course of other work I have obtained complete identifications for a problematic list of late-type stars by Dolidze (1975AbaOB..47....3D). The charts were used to make the...
  • Catalog of X-ray active galactic nuclei

    A general catalog of active galactic nuclei (AGN) has been created from identified optical sources of X-ray data from the Hamburg-ROSAT Catalog (HRC) and the Byurakan-Hamburg...
  • AGN selected from an HRC/BHRC sample. II.

    This is a detailed spectral classification of 198 candidate active galactic nuclei (AGN) from a joint HRC/BHRC sample consisting of a combination of the HRC (Hamburg-ROSAT) and...
  • Activity types of ROSAT/SDSS galaxies

    In this study we carry out detailed spectral classification of 173 AGN candidates from the Joint HRC/BHRC sample, which is a combination of HRC (Hamburg-ROSAT Catalogue) and...
  • NVSS and FIRST variable sources

    In the present study we have cross-correlated NVSS and FIRST radio catalogues having radio flux measurements at the same 1.4GHz frequency. This way we benefit from repeated...
  • H-ATLAS DR3 NIR counterparts in SGP field

    In this paper, we present the third data release (DR3) of the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS). We identify likely near- infrared counterparts to...
  • NuSTAR Extragalactic Surveys, NEP Field

    We present the NuSTAR extragalactic survey of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) Time-Domain Field. The survey covers a ~0.16deg^2^ area with a...
  • New radio catalogue for M83 SNR and HII regions

    We present a new catalogue of radio sources in the face-on spiral galaxy M83. Radio observations taken in 2011, 2015, and 2017 with the Australia Telescope Compact Array at 5.5...
  • SCUBA-2-COSMOS field brightest sub-mm sources

    We present an ALMA study of the ~180 brightest sources in the SCUBA-2 850-{mu}m map of the COSMOS field from the S2COSMOS survey, as a pilot study for AS2COSMOS - a full survey...
  • WISE properties of AGNs from the AT20G survey

    Past studies of compact active galactic nuclei (AGNs), the dominant population at high radio frequencies, selected them using flat spectral index criteria. This biases the...
  • The 2BIGB gamma-ray blazars catalog

    This paper presents the results of a {gamma}-ray likelihood analysis over all the extreme and high synchrotron peak blazars (EHSP and HSP) from the 3HSP catalogue. We...
  • X-ray properties of DES-Y1 galaxy clusters

    Using archival X-ray observations and a lognormal population model, we estimate constraints on the intrinsic scatter in halo mass at fixed optical richness for a galaxy cluster...
  • Supernova remnants in M33: X-ray properties

    We have carried out a study of the X-ray properties of the supernova remnant (SNR) population in M33 with XMM-Newton, comprising deep observations of eight fields in M33...
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