Planetary systems study with GALAH surveys
Pioneering photometric, astrometric, and spectroscopic surveys is helping exoplanetary scientists better constrain the fundamental properties of stars within our galaxy and the... -
Element abundances study of Cepheids
Radial abundance gradients provide sound constraints for chemo-dynamical models of galaxies. Azimuthal variations of abundance ratios are solid diagnostics to understand their... -
Blazars study with ZTF DR6 and Roma-BZCAT
We investigate the temporal and colour variability of 897 blazars, comprising 455 BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) and 442 Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs), selected from the... -
Hydra I cluster study with H I emission
We present results from our analysis of the Hydra I cluster observed in neutral atomic hydrogen (H I) as part of the Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind Survey... -
Belgrade meridian circle catalog
The authors present an observational catalogue containing the positions of 351 stars situated in the vicinity of radio sources (RRS2, Tel'nyuk-Adamchuk & Kumkova, 1991, IAU... -
Speckle interferometry of Ap stars. II.
We present the results of speckle interferometric observations of 156 stars possessing global magnetic fields, carried out with the 6-m BTA telescope of the Special... -
Speckle interferometry of Ap stars
We present the results of speckle interferometry of a sample of 117 chemically peculiar stars with global magnetic fields. The observations were made in December 2009 at the BTA... -
OB stars and associations in Auriga
OB associations are important probes of recent star formation and Galactic structure. In this study, we focus on the Auriga constellation, an important region of star formation... -
SDSS DR16 compact galaxy groups
Compact groups of galaxies are devised as extreme environments where interactions may drive galaxy evolution. In this work, we analysed whether the luminosities of galaxies... -
Study of Kepler's FGKM stars
While stellar rotation periods P_rot_ may be measured from broad-band photometry, the photometric modulation becomes harder to detect for slower rotators, which could bias... -
ATOMS IV Gas clumps properties and SFRs
We report the detection of radio recombination line (RRL) H_40{alpha} towards 75 sources, with data obtained from ACA (Atacama Compact 7 m Array) observations in the ATOMS (ALMA... -
Chandra X-ray's study of LeMMINGs galaxies
All 280 of the statistically complete Palomar sample of nearby (< 120 Mpc) galaxies {delta} > 20{deg} have been observed at 1.5 GHz as part of the LeMMINGs e-MERLIN legacy... -
RR Lyrae study with ZTF DR3 light curves
We present an RR Lyrae (RRL) catalogue based on the combination of the third data release of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF DR3) and Gaia EDR3. We use a multistep... -
A comparison of centering in ISS astrometry
In the caviar software package, a standard tool for astrometry of images from the Cassini imaging science subsystem (ISS), Gaussian fitting is used to measure the centre of... -
Mon OB4 a new association in Gaia DR2
We use Gaia DR2 data to survey the classic Monoceros OB1 region and look for the existence of a dispersed young population, co-moving with the cloud complex. An analysis of the... -
The SEDIGISM survey: molecular clouds
We use the ^13^CO(2-1) emission from the SEDIGISM (Structure, Excitation, and Dynamics of the Inner Galactic InterStellar Medium) high-resolution spectral-line survey of the... -
Ultracool dwarfs in wide binaries
We present the discovery of 255 binary and 6 multiple system candidates with wide (>5arcsec) separation composed by ultracool dwarfs (UCDs) companions to stars, plus nine... -
Properties of stars in open cluster NGC 2506
Accurate stellar parameters of stars in open clusters can help constrain models of stellar structure and evolution. Here, we wish to determine the age and metallicity content of... -
Neutral hydrogen evolution over the past 11Gyr
We present the results of a blind search for intervening HI 21cm absorption towards 260 radio sources in the redshift range 0<z<2.74 with the Green Bank Telescope. The... -
AKARI North Ecliptic Pole field in CFHT u-band
The AKARI infrared (IR) space telescope conducted two surveys (Deep and Wide) in the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) field to find more than 100000 IR sources using its infrared...