Distinguishing SNFs via their temporal variation
As mixed with real pulsations, the reflection of super-Nyquist frequencies (SNFs) pose a threat to asteroseismic properties. Although SNFs have been studied in several pulsating... -
delta Sct Grass parameterization
The presence of low-amplitude peaks over the noise in the power spectra of {delta} Sct stars is frequently disregarded. These seemingly insignificant peaks, collectively... -
Seismic diff. between solar magnetic cycles 23/24
Solar magnetic activity follows regular cycles of about 11 years with an inversion of polarity in the poles every ~22 years. This changing surface magnetism impacts the... -
MW chronologically dating early assembly
The standard cosmological model predicts that galaxies are built through hierarchical assembly on cosmological timescales. The Milky Way, like other disk galaxies, underwent... -
Asteroseismic study of TESS mission's DSCTs
We investigate the relationship between the asteroseismic indices and the physical quantities of 438 {delta} Scuti (DSCT) stars observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey... -
Asteroseismic modelling of solar-type stars
Detailed understanding of stellar physics is essential towards a robust determination of stellar properties (e.g. radius, mass, and age). Among the vital input physics used in... -
Mode identification in 3 pulsating hot subdwarfs
We report on the detection of pulsations of three pulsating subdwarf B stars observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) satellite and our results of mode... -
Luminosities of 34 slowly pulsating B stars
We provide three statistical model prescriptions for the bolometric corrections appropriate for B-type stars as a function of (i) T_eff_, (ii) T_eff_ and logg, and (iii) T_eff_,... -
Pulsation properties of {lambda}bootis stars I
We analyse TESS light curves for 70 southern {lambda} Boo stars to identify binaries and to determine which of them pulsate as {delta} Scuti stars. We find two heartbeat stars... -
APOKASC Evolutionary state of red-giant stars
The internal working of low-mass stars is of great significance to both the study of stellar structure and the history of the Milky Way. Asteroseismology has the power to... -
Solar-like oscillators using TESS 2min cadence LCs
Based on all 2 minute cadence TESS light curves from Sector 1 to 60, we provide a catalog of 8651 solar-like oscillators, including frequency at maximum power ({nu}max, with its... -
The Asteroseismic Target List (ATL) for TESS
We present the target list of solar-type stars to be observed in short-cadence (2 minute) for asteroseismology by the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) during... -
APOKASC-2 catalog of Kepler evolved stars
We present a catalog of stellar properties for a large sample of 6676 evolved stars with Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment spectroscopic parameters and... -
K2 Galactic Archaeology Program DR3, final release
We present the third and final data release of the K2 Galactic Archaeology Program (K2 GAP) for Campaigns C1-C8 and C10-C18. We provide asteroseismic radius and mass... -
Rotation signature of TESS B-type stars
Stellar rotation is a fundamental observable that drives different aspects of stellar and planetary evolution. In this work, we present an unprecedented manifold analysis of 160... -
Chromospheric activity of {rho} CrB and 88 Leo
During the first half of main-sequence lifetimes, the evolution of rotation and magnetic activity in solar-type stars appears to be strongly coupled. Recent observations suggest... -
Robo-AO Kepler asteroseismic survey. II.
The Kepler Space Telescope observed over 15000 stars for asteroseismic studies. Of these, 75% of dwarfs (and 8% of giants) were found to show anomalous behavior, such as... -
The BAM pipeline applied to K2 LCs of red giants
We present the Bayesian Asteroseismology data Modeling (BAM) pipeline, an automated asteroseismology pipeline that returns global oscillation parameters and granulation... -
KIC star parallaxes from asteroseismology vs Gaia
We present a comparison of parallaxes and radii from asteroseismology and Gaia DR1 (TGAS) for 2200 Kepler stars spanning from the main sequence to the red-giant branch. We show... -
M giant stars asteroseismology with Kepler and APOGEE
Evolved stars near the tip of the red giant branch show solar-like oscillations with periods spanning hours to months and amplitudes ranging from ~1mmag to ~100mmag. The...