National Pilot Monitoring Studies August 2017, Improving Environmental Monito...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the survey of the National Pilot... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora July 2017, Improving Environmen...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the survey of the National Pilot... -
Finnish Baltic Sea phytoplankton monitoring, KPLANK database
<p>The KPLANK database includes phytoplankton data from 1963 to present, covering the Finnish coastal areas and offshore areas of the Baltic Sea. The quantitative data... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora April 2017, Improving Environme...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the survey of the National Pilot... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora August 2017, Improving Environm...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the survey of the National Pilot... -
Joint Open Sea Surveys 2017, Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black ...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the Joint Open Sea Survey (JOSS... -
Joint Open Sea Surveys 2016, Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black ...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the Joint Open Sea Survey (JOSS... -
Romanian Black Sea Phytoplankton data from 1991 to 2000
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea between 1991 and 2000 and processed by Nicolae Bodeanu, Mioara U?urelu, Georgeta Ru?a, and Laura Boicenco. Data were collected from... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies 2016, Improving Environmental Monitoring in...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the survey of the National Pilot... -
Finnish Baltic Sea phytoplankton monitoring, KPLANK database
The KPLANK database includes data on phytoplankton, covering the Finnish coastal areas as well as the offshore areas of the Baltic Sea. The quantitative data mainly stem from... -
Romanian Black Sea Phytoplankton data from 1991 to 2000
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea between 1991 and 2000 and processed by Nicolae Bodeanu, Mioara U?urelu, Georgeta Ru?a, and Laura Boicenco. Data were collected from... -
Joint Open Sea Surveys 2017, Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black ...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the Joint Open Sea Survey (JOSS... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies 2016, Improving Environmental Monitoring in...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the survey of the National Pilot... -
Joint Open Sea Surveys 2016, Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black ...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the Joint Open Sea Survey (JOSS... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora August 2017, Improving Environm...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the survey of the National Pilot... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora July 2017, Improving Environmen...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the survey of the National Pilot... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora April 2017, Improving Environme...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the survey of the National Pilot... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies August 2017, Improving Environmental Monito...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the survey of the National Pilot...