Psychosocial support for promoting mental health and wellbeing among adolesce...
Raziskovalni projekt “ Psihološka podpora za spodbujanje duševnega zdravja in dobrega počutja med mladimi oskrbovalci v Evropi” (ME-WE), ki ga je financirala Evropska unija... -
Perceiving collective continuity: Social psychological implications.
Human communities particularly ethnic-religious and national ones see themselves as having temporal persistence, as entities that move through time. What is it that makes groups... -
School, physical activity and well-being, 2012-2014
Clustered randomised control trial data on physical activity levels and feeling of well-being with 2381 pupils in 60 schools in England. Data were collect via questionnaires,... -
Ageing, well being and development - a comparative study of Brazil and South ...
The project collected three main types of data: (1)A second wave of a 2002 household surveys in Brazil and South Africa, which sampled just over 1000 households each in the... -
Promotion of wellbeing as a destination resource: data from workshops and tra...
This study employs a qualitative methodological research approach whereby workshops with key stakeholders were used to understand how tourism stakeholders think and feel about... -
Child wellbeing and household wealth in Burundi, Ethiopia and Vietnam
This qualitative dataset contains transcripts from qualitative data collection from Burundi, Ethiopia and Vietnam. Datasets include information on perceived differences between...