Recruit abundance on a long-term experiment (1999-2017) in the LTER observato...
These data represent the results of a long-term colonization experiment at the Long-Term Ecological Research observatory HAUSGARTEN. Recruitment panels were constructed from... -
Megafauna of the German exploration license area for seafloor massive sulfide...
Background: The growing interest in mineral resources of the deep sea, such as seafloor massive sulfide deposits, has led to an increasing number of exploration licenses issued... -
caracole_PL128-6 Gas chromatography results
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caracole_PL127-5 Gas chromatography results
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caracole_PL125-3 Gas chromatography results
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Victor ROV dive tracks PL126-4
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Victor ROV dive tracks PL132-10
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Victor ROV dive tracks PL131-9
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Victor ROV dive tracks PL130-8
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Victor ROV dive tracks PL129-7
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Victor ROV dive tracks PL128-6
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Victor ROV dive tracks PL127-5
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Victor ROV dive tracks PL125-3
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Victor ROV dive tracks PL124-2
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Victor ROV dive tracks PL123-1
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Faunal microdistribution of a hydrothermal vent field: A 3D reconstruction ap...
We used ROV video imagery of a hydrothermal vent field on the southwestern Indian Ridge in the Indian Ocean. Structure from Motion photogrammetry was applied to build a high... -
(Appendix A) Pigment content, microbial biomass and activity, and grain size ...
Present theories of deep-sea community organization recognize the importance of small-scale biological disturbances, originated partly from the activities of epibenthic... -
(Table 1) Stable isotopic composition of water samples from Hakon Mosby Mud V...
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(Table 1) Stable isotopic composition of water samples from Hakon Mosby Mud V...
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Gas emissions and ROV survey tracks of the Regab pockmark (Northern Congo Fan)
Pockmarks are seafloor depressions commonly associated with fluid escape from the seabed and are believed to contribute noticeably to the transfer of methane into the ocean and...