Multiple Vibrio species Raw sequence reads
Multiple Vibrio isolates belonging to different species -
Environmental Luminescent Bacteria sequencing
We sequenced 20 environmental bioluminescent bacteria isolated from shore seawater of several oceans and seas around the world, including reference strains from the NCCB... -
Draft genomes of Benham Bank Isolates
Draft genome of two Vibrio species isolated from the Benham Bank Seamount, Philippine Rise, Philippines -
GenomeTrakr Project: U.S. Food and Drug Administration - CFSAN
Whole genome sequencing using long-read nanopore technology of cultured Vibrio sp. as part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration surveillance project for the rapid detection... -
Vibrio spp. genome sequencing and assembly
Vibrio spp. genome sequencing and assembly of isolates obtained from Acropora palmata and the surrounding seawater in the Florida Keys, USA -
Vibrio spp. isolates from raw shrimp imported to Canada
Vibrio spp. isolates from raw shrimp imported to Canada -
E. coli and Vibrio genomes collected from
E. coli and Vibrio genomes from retail food samples and sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq -
Genomic characterization of Vibrio spp. isolated from feed-based vaccinated A...
Genomic characterization of Vibrio spp. isolated from feed-based inactivated vaccine in Selangor Malaysia. -
Vibrio owensii strain GRA50-12
Sequencing genomes of the Vibrio owensii type strain GRA50-12, a potential pathogen, which was isolated and cultured from green macroalage in the eastern coast of Taiwan for...