Material analysis (VIS-NIR and FTIR) of coloured inscriptions and other histo...
This dataset was created in the context of the Research Fields RFA02 ("Understanding Written Artefacts on Inorganic Supports at the Atomic Scale Level") and RFB02... -
The Psychological Impact of Torture and State Repression in Türkiye between 2...
Torture seeks to undermine not only the physical and emotional well-being of an individual, but to damage the coherence of entire communities. Thus, torture and state repression... -
Magnetic and Beryllium chronostratigraphy of Quaternary sediment core samples...
This dataset has no description
High-resolution seismic profiles from Lake Iznik (NW Turkey)
The seismic profiles were acquired in Lake Iznik in 2005, using a 3.5 kHz system (Geopulse, Geoacoustic) with a single channel streamer (20-elements AE5000, GeoAcoustics) and an... -
Bathymetric grid from Lake Iznik (NW Turkey)
The bathymetric survey was completed in April 2019 using a fishing boat with a Kongsberg EM2040 multibeam echosounder (Kongsberg Maritime, Horten, Norway, provided by University... -
High-resolution grain size analysis of sediment core IZN_19-21 from Lake Izni...
The grain-size distribution of the sediment was determined in 2019, following a mean of 5 cm sampling step all along the longest sequence (IZN_19_21). As the sequence contains... -
Age model of sediment core IZN_19-31 from Lake Iznik (NW Turkey)
The core was sampled in 2019 on a lineament newly discovered in Lake Iznik from the bathymetric and seismic data. These age models are used to determine the ages of the event... -
Age model of sediment core IZN_19-21 from Lake Iznik (NW Turkey)
The core was sampled in 2019 on a lineament newly discovered in Lake Iznik from the bathymetric and seismic data. These age models are used to determine the ages of the event... -
Loss on ignition of sediment core IZN_19-31 from Lake Iznik (NW Turkey)
The loss on ignition (LOI) analysis was performed in 2019 on the IZN19_31 Sequence, with a 10-cm sampling interval all along the sequence to estimate organic matter (OM) and... -
High-resolution XRF analysis of sediment core IZN_19-31 from Lake Iznik (NW T...
The relative contents of major and trace elements were analyzed in 2019 with an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) at 1-mm resolution on the surface of each sediment core with an Avaatech... -
High-resolution XRF analysis of sediment core IZN_19-21 from Lake Iznik (NW T...
The relative contents of major and trace elements were analyzed in 2019 with an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) at 1-mm resolution on the surface of each sediment core with an Avaatech... -
High-resolution XRF analysis of sediment core IZN19-16 from Lake Iznik (NW Tu...
The relative contents of major and trace elements were analyzed in 2019 with an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) at 1-mm resolution on the surface of each sediment core with an Avaatech... -
High-resolution XRF analysis of sediment core IZN19-04 from Lake Iznik (NW Tu...
The relative contents of major and trace elements were analyzed in 2019 with an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) at 1-mm resolution on the surface of each sediment core with an Avaatech... -
High-resolution XRF analysis of a sediment core IZN19-03 from Lake Iznik (NW ...
The relative contents of major and trace elements were analyzed in 2019 with an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) at 1-mm resolution on the surface of each sediment core with an Avaatech... -
Syrian refugees in Turkey, 2019
Opirajoč se na teorije o neformalnem delu je bil osrednji cilj te raziskave proučiti dejavnike, ki sirske begunce usmerjajo v neformalno gospodarstvo v Turčiji. Podatki so bili... -
Hydrothermal ecosystems in Biga Peninsula, Turkey Raw sequence reads
We surveyed the microbial diversity of eleven different deep geothermal aquifers and springs across the tectonically active Biga Peninsula (Turkey), a hydrothermal setting that... -
International Social Assistance Database, 1996
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The objective of this study was to provide information about the range of social assistance benefits and... -
Database of Liberal Democratic Performance, 1970-1998
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The data arose from an inquiry into liberal democratic performance, understood as the delivery of... -
Management and Labour in Turkey, 1999-2000
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. There is much general discussion today of 'globalisation'. The overall aim of the research is to examine... -
Eurostat New Cronos, 1950-2060
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Eurostat database (previously known as Eurostat New Cronos) contains high quality macroeconomic and...