Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 32-313
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 32-305
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 23-219
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Planktonic foraminifer occurrences and zonations from IODP Hole 313-M0027A
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Preservation: VG = very good, G = good, M = medium. X = present. FO = first occurrence, LO = last occurrence.