The stoichiometric response of a freshwater plankton community to different r...
To investigate the impact of varying rainfall and run-off conditions on a freshwater plankton community, we conducted an in-situ mesocosm experiment at Lake Erken in Sweden.... -
The effect of light intensity versus light dose on the photosynthetic perform...
The genus Ulva, described as a good source of antioxidants known for its antibacterial properties and associated with the capacity to adapt to different environments and high... -
Number of germinated individuals that originated from protoplasts from Ulva l...
This dataset presents the number of germinated individuals that originated from protoplasts from Ulva lacinulata and Ulva compressa. The individuals are separated into different... -
Diameter of the larger green cells found in the thalli of Ulva lacinulata and...
This dataset presents the diameter of the larger green cells found in the thalli of Ulva lacinulata and Ulva compressa that became protoplasts after being released to the water. -
Fresh weight of Ulva lacinulata's biomass during the degradation experiment
This dataset presents the fresh weight of U. lacinulata's biomass during the degradation experiment. This allowed the calculation of relative growth rates (RGR). -
Number of protoplasts collected during the degradation experiment with Ulva l...
This dataset presents the number of protoplasts collected during the degradation experiment with Ulva lacinulata and Ulva compressa. This allowed the calculation of protoplast... -
Diameter of the discs grown from protoplasts of Ulva lacinulata at the end of...
This dataset presents the diameter of the discs grown from protoplasts of Ulva lacinulata at the end of the germination experiment. -
High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) pigment concentration data and flo...
Here we present data of phytoplankton pigment and flow cytometry (FCM) data from initial (T0) and final (T24) samples obtained from serial dilution grazing experiments set up... -
Long-term experiment (182 days) with the phytoplankton species Chaetoceros af...
Measurements of genotype composition in a long-term experiment (182 days) with the marine phytoplankton species Chaetoceros affinis and Emiliania huxleyi, each consisting of... -
Long-term experiment (182 days) with the phytoplankton species Chaetoceros af...
Measurements of cell size, cell density, and nutrient concentration in a long-term experiment (182 days) with the marine phytoplankton species Chaetoceros affinis and Emiliania... -
Long term experiment with the phytoplankton species Chaetoceros affinis and E...
Genotype abundance present in the cultures of the long term experiment after batch cycles 7 and 13, identified using microsatellites. -
Long term experiment using a semi-continuous batch cycle system with the phyt...
Long term experiment using a semi-continuous batch cycle system with the phytoplankton species Chaetoceros affinis and Emiliania huxleyi each consisting of 9 genotypes... -
Hyposalinity phlorotannins experiments conducted with field samples at AWIPEV...
Treatment details – temperature × salinity (Sal) & temperature × nutrients (Nut)initial à 4°C, control salinity, after 2 days of wound healing, ½ PEStemperature acclimation... -
Hyposalinity mannitol experiments conducted with field samples at AWIPEV station
Treatment details – temperature × salinity (Sal) & temperature × nutrients (Nut)initial à 4°C, control salinity, after 2 days of wound healing, ½ PEStemperature acclimation... -
Hyposalinity nitrogen and carbon content experiments conducted with field sam...
Treatment details – temperature × salinity (Sal) & temperature × nutrients (Nut)initial à 4°C, control salinity, after 2 days of wound healing, ½ PEStemperature acclimation... -
Hyposalinity pigment experiments conducted with field samples at AWIPEV station
Treatment details – temperature × salinity (Sal) & temperature × nutrients (Nut)initial à 4°C, control salinity, after 2 days of wound healing, ½ PEStemperature acclimation... -
Hyposalinity algal disc size experiments conducted with field samples at AWIP...
Treatment details – temperature × salinity (Sal) & temperature × nutrients (Nut)initial à 4°C, control salinity, after 2 days of wound healing, ½ PEStemperature acclimation... -
Hyposalinity maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) experiments cond...
Treatment details – temperature × salinity (Sal) & temperature × nutrients (Nut)initial à 4°C, control salinity, after 2 days of wound healing, ½ PEStemperature acclimation... -
Nutrient enrichment phlorotannins experiments conducted with field samples at...
Treatment details – temperature × salinity (Sal) & temperature × nutrients (Nut)initial à 4°C, control salinity, after 2 days of wound healing, ½ PEStemperature acclimation... -
Nutrient enrichment mannitol experiments conducted with field samples at AWIP...
Treatment details – temperature × salinity (Sal) & temperature × nutrients (Nut)initial à 4°C, control salinity, after 2 days of wound healing, ½ PEStemperature acclimation...