Strontium isotopes of Kumano mud volcanoes' pore waters extracted from cores ...
Sr Isotopes data of Kumano mud volcanoes' (Offshore SE Japan) pore waters extracted from cores taken during the SO222 expedition in 2012. A total of 10 acidified fluid samples... -
(Table 1) Sr and Nd isotope ratios from ODP Hole 108-658C sediments
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B-isotope and Mg/Ca ratios of planktonic foraminifera from ODP Hole 108-668B ...
Knowledge of past atmospheric pCO2 is important for evaluating the role of greenhouse gases in climate forcing. Ice core records show the tight correlation between climate... -
(Table 1) Calcium concentrations and isotope ratios of pore fluids of ODP Sit...
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Chemical composition and Sr, Nd, Pb isotope ratios of mafic igneous rocks fro...
The sampling area is located east (E-domain) and west (W-domain) of the Münchberg gneiss massif, NE Bavaria. Germany. Major and trace element compositions and Sr, Nd, and Pb... -
87Sr/86Sr, Sr and Ca concentration, and salinity of water samples from the es...
Modern sub-surface water samples and the otoliths of catfish (Carlarius parkii and Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus) collected from the estuaries of the Gambia River (The Gambia),... -
(Table 1) Major and trace elements from the Jorullo volcano in the Michoacan ...
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(Supplement EA1) Elements, Neodymium and Hafnium analysis on lavas from Nevad...
Major elements were determined by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) using a Siemens SRS-3000 instrument in the Laboratorio Universitario de Geoquímica Isotópica (LUGIS),... -
(Table 2) Zircons analyses from tonalite and oxide gabbro of the mid-ocean ri...
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(Table 3) Uranium and thorium concentrations, ratios and ages of sediments fr...
Sediment depth is given in mcd. Raw age is calculated directly from the data in the previous two columns. Scavenging corrected age = the age corrected for initial 230Th by... -
(Table 1) Sr and Hf isotope ratios of DSDP Site 78-543 and 14-144 sediments
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(Table 1) Sr and Hf isotope ratios of Barbados sediment samples
Sediment depth is given in rcmd. -
(Table 3) Isotope ratios of basalts from DSDP Leg 74 holes
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(Table DR1) 87Sr/86Sr results for the Maastrichtian samples from ODP Hole 171...
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(Table DR1) 87Sr/86Sr results for the Maastrichtian samples from ODP Hole 171...
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(Table DR1) 87Sr/86Sr results for the Maastrichtian samples from ODP Hole 171...
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(Table 2) Pb isotope ratios, and U, PB concentrations of the silicate fractio...
Depth, sediment (m) is meterscomposite depth (mcd), a common depth below sediment surface is assigned tosamples from neighboring drilling sites in order to be able to directly... -
(Table 1) TIMS U and Th concentrations and isotope ratios of ODP Leg 166 sites
AGE is the corrected age -
(Table 2) Uranium concentration and isotopic ratios in pore fluids of ODP Hol...
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Lead and Barium concentrations and Lead isotope ratios in EPICA Dome C ice 57...
A record of Pb and Ba concentrations and Pb isotopic compositions are presented for the EPICA Dome C ice core covering the two oldest glacial-interglacial cycles (~572 to 801...