Seismic crosshole data at the TestUM site in Wittstock/Dosse (Germany)
The source borehole (SB) was equipped with a borehole sparker SBS42 (http://geotomographie.de/assets/equipment/Productsheet-SBS42.pdf) generating a highly repeatable signal. The... -
Direct push-based hydraulic and electrical data at the TestUM site in Wittsto...
The data has been collected by using Geoprobe-Hydraulic Profiling Tool (https://geoprobe.com/sites/default/files/storage/pdfs/HPT_SOP_mk3010_0115_0.pdf). We measured the... -
Borehole-GPR crosshole and reflection data from monitoring of freeze-thaw cyc...
The dataset contains borehole-GPR (ground penetrating radar) data from a shallow quaternary glacial aquifer at the test site "TestUM" in Wittstock/Dosse (Germany). At the test... -
Seismic crosshole data and direct push-based hydraulic and electrical propert...
The data set consists of eight crosshole seismic data sets obtained with a sparker source and two hydrophone string receivers in a near surface aquifer at the TestUM site in...