Abundance of mesopelagic fish collected at different layers of the water colu...
This file contains data on number of mesopelagic fish collected during the CSIC-SUMMER survey carried out in October 2020 in five zones around the Iberian Peninsula: Balears and... -
KOSMOS 2020 Peru mesocosm study on ecosystem responses to different light and...
Fatty acids (FA) in fish larvae during the mesocosm experiment in the Peruvian upwelling system near Lima from February-April 2020. Light (ambient = high vs. reduced = low) was... -
KOSMOS 2020 Peru mesocosm study on ecosystem responses to different light and...
Fish larvae performance during the mesocosm experiment in the Peruvian upwelling system near Lima from February-April 2020. Light (ambient = high vs. reduced = low) was... -
Compilation of stomach content data from temperate Atlantic and western Medit...
This file contains data on mesopelagic fish stomach content reported as the number of prey categories in each fish stomach and their carbon masses. These data come from samples... -
Abundance of larvae and transforming stages of mesopelagic fish collected at ...
This file contains data on numerical abundance of larvae and transforming stages of fishes collected during the CSIC-SUMMER survey carried out in October 2010 in five zones... -
Intertidal macroalgal biomass data in Porsangerfjorden, northern Norway in Ju...
A survey for macroalgal fresh biomass was performed in the high, mid and low intertidal zone at five sites along the fjord axis of Porsangerfjorden in July 2022. This dataset is... -
Table of taxa names and their assignments to families, grouth form, geographi...
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Distribution of Diatoms in sediment core PG1857-5
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Distribution of Diatoms in sediment core PG1857-2
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Distribution of diatoms in sediment core PG1856-3
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Extant coccolithophores around Cabo Verde Archipelago during Maria S. Merian ...
A systematic investigation of the extant coccolithophore community around Cabo Verde Archipelago was performed during the cruise MSM49 of FS Maria S. Merian between November,... -
Diversity indices of chironomid communites, Anabar region, Yakutia, Russia
List of chironomid taxa from the lakes form the Anagar region, Yakutia, Arctic Russia- see Further Details reference. More information on chironomid fauna of the region can be... -
Compilation of cold-water coral dated by U-series or radiocarbon of Northeast...
Compilation of cold-water coral dated by U-series or radiocarbon of Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Age column corresponds to reported U-series corrected ages or calendar 14C ages... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and whole community and functional gene changes ...
Plastics are accumulating in the world's oceans, while ocean waters are becoming acidified by increased CO2. We compared metagenome of biofilms on tethered plastic bottles in... -
A Holocene pollen profile (GLU IV) from Glenulra, Céide Fields, Co. Mayo, Ire...
The sampling site was in a small basin-bog (ca. 300 x 100 m). The basin is surrounded by blanket bog that has preserved a pre-peat, extensive stone-wall, regular field system,... -
Relative pollen productivity (RPP) and fall speed of pollen (FSP) values
Required to run REVEALS -
Optimized relative pollen productivity (RPP) and fall speed of pollen (FSP) v...
This dataset has no description
Compilation of relative pollen productivity (RPP) and fall speed of pollen (F...
This dataset has no description
Heatwaves experiment in the Kiel Outdoor Benthocosm 2015: macrophytes
The data were generated during an experiment simulating different frequencies of heatwaves (zero, one and three) in late spring/summer 2015. The experiment was carried out at... -
Nano- and microplankton in the northern Patagonian shelf (SW South Atlantic) ...
The species composition and structure (e.g. abundance and biomass) of protistan plankton (cell size > 5 µm) and in situ chorophyll a were assessed in a shallow (<50 m...