Testing the utility of alternative metrics of branch support to assess the an...
Targeted exon capture for pelagiarian fishes -
A phylogenomic framework for pelagiarian fishes (Acanthomorpha: Percomorpha) ...
Raw read sequence data of UCE sequencing for analysis of Pelagiarian family relationships. -
Phylogenomic analysis of a rapid radiation of misfit fishes (Syngnathiformes)...
Phylogenetics is undergoing a revolution as large-scale molecular datasets reveal unexpected but repeatable rearrangements of clades that were previously thought to be disparate... -
Trawlings during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV24, Part V
The fish catches were carried out by the scientific midwater non-closed trawl. There was a small-mesh section with minimum mesh size of 0.11-0.07 mm in the trawl bag. Vertical...