Dinoflagellate cyst counts on sediment core ABC26
In the reconstruction of bioproductivity in surface waters the extent to which a proxy has been diagenetically altered is often a matter of debate. Here we investigate how... -
Sedimentary lipids and palynomorphs of sediment core ABC26 from the Eastern M...
Selective degradation of organic matter in sediments is important for reconstructing past environments and understanding the carbon cycle. Here, we report on compositional... -
(Table S1) Lipids of sediment core ABC26
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(Table 3) Factors of changes in lipid concentration between the different str...
Values are calculated as such that the sample with more TOC is divided by the sample which less TOC, leading mostly to values >1. POtop, top of postsapropelic unit (core... -
(Table S1) Dinoflagellate cysts, pollen and spores of sediment core ABC26
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(Table 5) Relative abundances of pollen in sediment core ABC26
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(Table 1) Category and total organic carbon of sediment core ABC26
PO, postsapropel; OS, oxidised; (Mn), sample from the manganese marker bed; VS, Visible S1; PR, presapropel (*=no organic geochemical data available)