A µSR study of non-centrosymmetric superconductors Re6Ti and Re3Mo
Superconductivity in systems which lack inversion symmetry is expected to give rise to a host of unconventional effects, including mixed parity ground-states, and the formation... -
Investigating the superconducting and magnetic properties of two new supercon...
Recently, Eckert and co-authors synthesised osmium based two superconductors, NbOsSi and TaOsSi, and found that these compounds exhibit superconductivity below a transition... -
Determining the role of inversion symmetry in single crystals of the noncentr...
In superconductors, the inversion symmetry of the crystallographic structure plays a central role in the formation of the Cooper pairs. When inversion symmetry is broken, there... -
Unconventional slow spin fluctuations in Ba122 iron-based superconductors
The iron-based superconductors are at the forefront of the research on unconventional superconductivity. The Barium-122 systems, doped with electrons, reveal a non-trivial... -
Check for TRS breaking superconductivity in Re-based Superconductors TaxRe1-x
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Investigating Superconductivity and charge density wave in 2H-PdxTaSe2
The role and interplay of the different charge degrees of freedom remain a central issue in many unconventional superconductors. PdxTaSe2 series is an ideal system to study such... -
Investigating the superconducting and magnetic properties of two new supercon...
Recently, Eckert and co-authors synthesised osmium based two superconductors, NbOsSi and TaOsSi, and found that these compounds exhibit superconductivity below a transition... -
µSR study of centrosymmetric and non-centrosymmetric phase of HfRhGe
The field of non-centrosymmetric (NCS) superconductors has gathered much attention in recent years owing to its unconventional behavior. The lack of inversion symmetry in this... -
Ir-based d-band derived superconductivity in RIr3 (R= Ce, La)
Very recently Sato et al., JPSJ 2018 have investigated superconductivity in the single crystals of CeIr3 (Tc = 3.4 K, which is highest among Ce compounds), which shows a weak... -
Checking the superconducting phase of the new superconductor LaFe2As2
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µSR studies of the superconducting and magnetic properties of FeSe1-xSx
FeSe1-xSx is an important model system for investigating the relationship between superconductivity and nematicity. The nematicity can be suppressed systematically by the... -
Understanding the role of strong coupling in quasi-two-dimensional cage type ...
Systems that exhibit a high degree of anisotropy have been attracting considerable attention due to unique physical properties. Recently three superconductors (SC), BaIr2Ge7,... -
Muon spin rotation and relaxation study to investigate nature of superconduct...
The binary ruthenium pnictides RuAs and RuP exhibit metal-insulator (MI) transition below 200 K and 270 K, respectively, and show an evidence of pseudogap formation in their... -
New family of noncentrosymmetric (α-Mn) High-Entropy Alloy Superconductors
High-entropy alloys (HEAs) exhibiting superconductivity are of great research interest, as it displays characteristics of both crystalline and amorphous superconductors. In this... -
Investigation of superconducting ground state of quasi-one-dimensional superc...
Cr-based superconductors provide a playground to understand the pairing mechanism in unconventional superconductor as they are strong candidate for multiband triplet pairing... -
Investigation of superconducting ground state of the first Fe-based silicide ...
HTSC in the iron-based superconductors (Fe-SC) is one of the most active and challenging topics. Very recently some of us (F. Bernardini et al.) have reported SC in novel... -
Check for TRS breaking superconductivity in TaOsSi
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Investigating unconventional superconducting ground sate of topological super...
Nb0.25Bi2Se3 is a topological superconductor with a transition temperature of 3.5 K and host zero energy Bogoliubov quasiparticles that mimic Majorana Fermions. In Nb0.25Bi2Se3... -
Investigating the superconducting and magnetic properties of a novel quasi-on...
A2Mo3As3 (A = alkali metal) is a brand-new novel family of molybdenum arsenide based quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) superconductors with a transition temperature between 10.4 to... -
The superconducting properties of a spin-3/2 superconductor
In all known superconductors, the supercurrent is carried by Cooper pairs which consist of spin-1/2 quasiparticles in either spin-singlet (the usual case) or spin-triplet (the...