7 datasets found

Keywords: TELEO

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  • Environmental DNA Marine France LaPerouse 2019

    Fish environmental DNA data set collected in the shallow seamount of La Pérouse located between Madagascar and Réunion Island In 2019, we sampled the shallow seamount of La...
  • Environmental DNA Marine Colombia Providencia 2018

    Comparing environmental DNA metabarcoding and underwater visual census to monitor tropical reef fishes, the Providencia island data set. Between June 29 and July 5, 2018, we...
  • Environmental DNA Marine Colombia Gayraca 2018

    Comparing environmental DNA metabarcoding and underwater visual census to monitor tropical reef fishes, the Gayraca Bay data set. The Gayraca bay is located in the Tayrona...
  • Environmental DNA Marine France Evhoe 2020

    Environmental DNA complements scientific trawling in surveys of marine fish biodiversity (Dataset 2020) In October 2020 we chose 16 sites from the 2020 EVHOE survey for eDNA...
  • Environmental DNA Marine France Evhoe 2019

    Environmental DNA complements scientific trawling in surveys of marine fish biodiversity (Dataset 2019) In October 2019 we chose 15 sites from the 2019 EVHOE survey for eDNA...
  • Environmental DNA Marine France Eparses 2019

    Fish environmental DNA data set collected in the French Scattered Islands across Surface and Seamount Habitats During a scientific expedition aboard the R/V Marion Dufresne in...
  • Environmental DNA Marine Curacao 2020

    Fish taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic composition variations recovered from eDNA metabarcoding along the coast of Curacao In February 2020, we collected a total of 20...
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