Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines Application
eXist-db Application for the visualization of the Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines in TEI. https://betamasaheft.eu/Guidelines/ Part of Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and... -
Book Review: Lambertus Willem Cornelis van Lit, Among Digitized Manuscripts. ...
Book Review: Lambertus Willem Cornelis van Lit, Among Digitized Manuscripts. Philology, Codicology, Paleography in a Digital World, Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 1: The... -
Project: Digital Averroes Research Environment
Project summary: Digital Averroes Research Environment -
Encoding Strategies and the Ethiopic Literary Heritage: The Physiologus as a ...
Producing the Clavis of Ethiopic literature while making the data computer readable for extensive indexing and research purposes is among the aspirations of the project Beta... -
Beta maṣāḥǝft Data
Data is maintained here https://github.com/BetaMasaheft This dump is provided as additional security and to facilitate reuse. Includes the Ethio-SPaRe data and the... -
Encoding and Annotation of Ancient Places in Ethiopia
Encoding places in a text and producing annotations offers scholars several ways to investigate new questions and support their research work. In this paper we present the work... -
The TEI-XML Architecture of Ethiopian Manuscript Archives: Respecting the Int...
The paper illustrates the choices made by the Ethiopian Manuscript Archives collaborative project when defining the TEI-XML schema and architecture for the encoding of charters... -
Beta maṣāḥǝft Data
Data is maintained here https://github.com/BetaMasaheft This dump is provided as additional security and to facilitate reuse. Includes the Ethio-SPaRe data and the... -
Digital Approaches to Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies
What can be done with data about the manuscript tradition of Eritrea and Ethiopia using Text Encoding Initiative and Linked Open Data? In Digital Approaches to Ethiopian and... -
Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea
The project Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea creates a portal that manages the entry, presentation, and analysis of data related to the manuscript tradition of...