Search for magnetic domains in frustrated magnet CaFe2O4
We propose to study the temperature dependence of the size and shape of the magnetic domains believed to exist in CaFe2O4 - a frustrated triangular antiferromagnet. Our diffuse... -
Characterising new high-pressure phases of ammonia monohydrate
Over the past two years I have carried out high-pressure surveys of the ammonia monohydrate (AMH) phase diagram using a Paris-Edinburgh press mounted on the D20 beam-line at the... -
Behaviour of hexamethylenetetramine hexahydrate to 5 GPa
The title compound, more succinctly referred to as HMT-hydrate, is a rare example of a water-framework zeolite structure with an organic guest molecule hydrogen bonded to the... -
Formation of Magnetic Charge Stripes in an Insulating Hole-Doped Antiferromagnet
The proposal aims to further investigate the transition from commensurate magnetic order to incommensurate magnetic and charge stripe order in the family of compounds,... -
Magnetic order in the quantum critical phase of Sr3Ru2O7
Many novel electronic ground states form in close proximity to quantum critical points (QCPs), that is, the point where a continuous phase transition occurs at zero temperature....