Spin-Driven Multiferroics CdMn7O12 and SrMn7O12
We propose to perform neutron diffraction experiments on powder samples of possible spin-induced multiferroic materials, 114CdMn7O12 and SrMn7O12, at ambient pressure and low... -
The magnetic structure of LaMn7O12
Research into the quadruple perovskite manganites has expanded, owing to recent discoveries of technologically relevant properties and entirely novel electronic states. Through... -
The magnetic structures of RMn7O12 (R = Nd, Sm, Dy, Y)
Materials with the perovskite crystal structure are ubiquitous in condensed matter physics. Despite being known for several years, the quadruple perovskites, which afford... -
Magnetic structure Investigation of the quasi two dimensional corrugated laye...
Ba4Ru3O10 is a rather fascinating compound with quasi two dimensional crystal structure. Although the compound shows strong feature in the magnetization data at 105 K indicating... -
Magneto-orbital coupling in PbMn7-xFexO12
The interplay between orbital order and magnetism in insulating manganites has been extensively studied following the seminal neutron diffraction experiments of Wollan and... -
Magnetoelastic Coupling and for Competing Ground States in (Ba1-xAx)Fe2As2 (A...
Unconventional superconductivity has recently been suggested in the new class of iron-based superconductors in which unusual gap symmetries have been observed together with... -
Investigation of the correlations above TN in PdCrO2
In recent years there has been a large interest in geometrically frustrated magnetic systems, especially those with spins interacting on two-dimensional triangular lattices... -
Tuning B-B exchange in the R2MnMn(Mn4-xTix)O12 quadruple perovskite manganites
For the RMn3O6 manganites, we have shown that tuning A-B exchange, by choice of A-site cation or by doping magnetic impurities, gives rise to dramatically different magnetic... -
Pressure effect on high-temperature multiferroic CuO studied by a single crys...
We propose to perform neutron diffraction experiment under high pressure condition, using a single crystal of CuO on WISH beamline. This monoxide is known as a multiferroic... -
Long-range magnetism in spin, charge, and orbital ordered Pb3Mn7O15
Manganese oxides have attracted great interest in solid-state physics research owing to the diverse range of electronic ordering phenomena. Pb3Mn7O15 is a relatively... -
Doping dependence of the lattice and magnetic structures in La(2-x)Sr(x)CuIrO6
Double-perovskite iridates attract attention as they combine 5d and 3d magnetism, where spin-orbit coupling plays a significant role in determining a magnetic ground states.... -
Understanding magnetodielectric behaviour of Tb2BaNiO5 using Neutron Diffract...
The coupling between magnetic and electric degrees of freedom, in a single phase compound has been of intense research in recent literature, as the outcome would yield novel... -
Spin-Lattice coupling in Frustrated Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet AFeO2 ...
In this proposal, we would like to propose to perform neutron diffraction experiments on the powder samples of the frustrated antiferromagnets AFeO2 (A=Cu and Ag) using WISH. In... -
A structural study of the unusual high-pressure magnetic and superconducting ...
FeSe is structurally the simplest iron-based superconductor but one of the most intriguing electronically, with extreme tunability in its electronic and superconducting... -
Determining the magnetic structure of Na0.5Ca0.5Mn7O12: A candidate material ...
Magnetic and orbital ordering in the manganese based perovskites has been of huge interest in solid-state physics since the 1950's. More recently, the family of AA′3Mn4O12... -
Chemical control of structures and magnetic ordering of manganese oxide chalc...
We will probe the response of the magnetic and crystal structures of layered manganese oxide chalcogenides to the oxidation state and the local coordination environment of Mn.... -
Characterisation of Spin density Wave phase in Na2Ti2(Sb,As)2O
The formation of charge and spin density wave (CDW and SDW) states in metallic systems isdriven by Fermi surface instabilities that are often found to compete with... -
Novel quantum spin liquid state in the S=3/2 dimer lattice in Ba3ZnRu2O9
We have discovered a novel type of quantum spin liquid in a hexagonal lattice of Ru5+ dimers in Ba3ZnRu2O9, where any traces of the Curie tail or glassy behavior have not been... -
Entangled superconductivity and magnetic and charge density waves in A1-xA'xF...
We aim to study select samples of hole and electron doped (A,A')(Fe,B)2As2 (A=Ba, Sr, or Ca; A'=Na, K and B=Co, Ni, or Pt) iron pnictides. These materials exhibit robust...