In-situ reaction of lithium amide or imide with manganese(IV) oxide
We request 3 days beam time on POLARIS for in-situ powder diffraction studies of the reactions of lithium amide or lithium imide with manganese(IV) oxide under flowing argon or... -
Towards the development of carbonitrides as novel two-stage regenerable reage...
We are examining a number of cobalt-molybdenum carbonitrides as possible catalysts for reactions that produce nitrogen-containing organic molecules. There is good evidence that... -
In-situ studies of amides with ammonia
The aim of this proposal is to determine that materials that are present in the ammoniation of amides. -
Strain analysis of commensurate charge order/zener polaron ordering transitio...
High resolution powder diffraction data will be used to obtain lattice parameter and atomic coordinate variations as a function of temperature for Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3, which has a...